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Posts posted by Athena

  1. Hi All

    I wrote some months ago about my landie, 90 2.TD having a fuel starvation problem at speed, get up to 55 MPH and i lose power and slow down a little like a kangaroo i have had the fuel cap off and it still happens i think i need to replace the fuel lift pump but not had chance or dry enough weather for ages as i have no garage to work in it's all done on the drive, however i have a question the 2 fuel pipes, 1 going into the injector pump from the fuel filter and the second pipe returning to the fuel filter from the injector pump both weep fuel, could this be coursing my fuel problem, could it be sucking air in to the fuel line under pressure, my logic is if the fuel is weeping, air could get in, do they need to be replace and where can i get them, i have looked on paddocks and they seem to have the injector pipes but not the others,

    Take a look at the pic i have marked the connection with a red box

    help please

    Thanks everyone


  2. Hi All

    It was a dark day for the 90 and nearly an even darker day for an Astra!!! I was on my way to local retail park when the brakes failed! coming down a small hill braking gently due to weather condition but all of sudden the pedal just went like a wet sponge and hit the floor and i just went on and on, quickly pumping the brake pedal it gave a little bit of pressure and i saved the 90 and Astra from connecting thank god!

    it was all made worse by having to have my landie placed on the back of a low loader, poor show for my beloved 90, on inspection when the brake was applied brake fluid was running out of the flex brake line to the caliper, so i have ordered up some new ones it was only the drivers side but i may as well replace both but before i do anything is there anything i need to look out for? hints tips possible trouble points?

    Have bought some new brake fluid and some brake cleaner ready for when the lines turn up

    As always replies are fantastic and the help is brilliant



  3. Hi and a Happy New to all

    I had a Rev counter and clock for christmas, both gen Landrover Defender kit second hand ebay with no cables, i have one spare space on my dash instrument panel where i want to put the rev counter, my Landie is a 1987 90 2.5td i will need to pick up power and a line to the engine for the rev counter need to know how to do this the power i am not to worried about but the rev side where on the engine do i go to ?

    the clock i was going to drill out a hole by the cig lighter and pick up power there but just need know what power is always live not activated by the ignition (Side lights?)

    thanks guys, i know a rev counter on a landie is a little silly but it was a present and my wife did spend a small fortune in ebay for it got carried away!!

    cheers all


  4. That too, I was just going to say it :ph34r:

    Hi all

    Thanks for all the help, I have changed my fuel filter, but still have the problem, DOH, checked fuel lines seem to be ok.... but what is the connection between fuel tank and the diaphragm in the fuel injecter pump? i have also heared there could a be secondary fuel sedimenter unit, between fuel tank and fuel filter.... but not all denfenders have them, i know i said this before but i don't understand why i am getting this problem at 60mph but when driving around town or even between towns no woriies, just seems to be on the motorways, as soon as i hit 60mph trouble



  5. HI All

    My Landie is a 90, 1987 2.5td

    Help please, I have just completed a trip to york from sheffield (uk) on the M1, running in 5th at 60mph when going up hill i slow down it was always at a steady rate as the hill gets steaper, however tonight my landie felt almost as if i was braking for a second at the same time as accelerating? and then in stead of speeding up going down the hill, it would still have this slowing effect, i drop to 4th speed up, next hill same thing? at low speed 30/40 no apparant problem, any ideas people

    thanks everyone for your help as i know i will get loads of it!



  6. Hi all, first thing to say every time I need advice I pop onto the forum and some one will have asked the question already it's great! cheers everyone

    Now for my question, my 1987 2.5td has a fuel gauge that moves up and down with the motion of the fuel in the tank, I presume the sender unit in the tank iS knackered? would it be a simple case of replacing this unit and connecting to the existing fuel gauge, if so what cost am I looking at,



  7. i dont understand.... how does the window being open make the transfer and gearbox hot? :huh:

    Hi all

    Thanks for all your help!

    i think having the window makes a draw of air from under the 90 through the cab then window, the warm or hot air heats up the chair and box, shuuting thw window stops the air flow then letting the metal cool down, its an working idea


  8. Hi All

    I am Dan and new to the forum, i have recently bought a 1987 landrover 90 2.5td she is stunning i think but so we all think of our landies, her name ATHENA

    I am going to do the slow process of doing her up, she dose run well there many jobs to do but it's knowing whats right now or not is the question

    I have done a good 250 mile run on motorway over a couple days my speed was a steady 50/60, when i had my window (driver's side) the heat would build up from the side of my chair and cubby box, the metal plates the chiar and box sit would get hot to touch not to burn, as soon as i put my window back up the heat would dissipate away

    is this normal? if so can thurmal sheeting under the drivers chair and cubby box be used to send the back under the landie safely?

    I have ready many post from other members about the transfer box and gear box, and understand these get hot when running on the motoway, i have checked the gear box oil level thats fine still need to buy the tool for the transfer box oil inspection hex? can't remember the name of the tool, told you i was learning, DOH

    Thank you


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