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Def Harry

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Posts posted by Def Harry

  1. Holy thread resurrection Batman! Forgot to post the outcome of this - sorry. 

    So the replacement loom I'd made was duff - no idea why it tested fine.  The problem was the wire into pin 12 was damaged at the terminal going into the plug causing intermittent loss of continuity. When I put pressure on the pin testing it, there was no problem as I was forcing the wires together. 

    Tracked it down with a nanocom plugged in an much wire waggling, then examining it closely. In the end I just cut the wire before the plug terminal and soldered on a new piece and crimped a new connector. Hope that helps someone who finds this thread in the future!

    • Thanks 1
  2. I rigged up a whole new loom out of trailer wire with a new connector at the pedal end and new pins on the ECU - but it actually appears to make it worse. With the original wiring it revs and then fails after a while or some wire wiggling. If I put the new section on it instantly fails - EML immediately comes on, and it won't rev at all. That's what is really confusing me.

  3. I've got a 2004 110 TD5. I've had it about 6 months. A month ago whilst driving got the EML and no throttle response, had the RAC out, codes read - one of them was driver demand. Started working enough to get me home without using too much throttle so I read up on it, on this forum and various others - found the usual suspect was the loom between the pedal and the ecu or the pedal. It didn't do it again for a while so I left well alone, apart from ordering terminals to make up a new loom - just in case. 

    Fast forward to last Friday, heading out for the evening went over a bumpy section of road, and on comes the light, bye bye goes the throttle response. So the next day I made up the loom with some 7 core trailer wire plug it in - no change. In fact it was worse... rather than managing to rev the engine a few times now the light comes on straight away. Check the continuity of the new loom, that I've wired it correctly and that I'm plugging the right wire into the correct ecu pin and I am. But no improvement. New pedal ordered, plug it in - exactly the same, better with the original loom, worse with the new link I made. 

    Much hair pulling and scotch later.

    I plug the old wiring back in, starting wiggling wires and I can get the light to come on by moving the w/g wire that plugs in to pin 12. So I get a single length of wire 2 scotch locks and piggy back a length between 10mm from the ecu plug and 10mm from the pedal connector. Perhaps makes it slightly better but it still fails.

    Oh and I cleaned the earths attached to the transfer box.

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong??

    I believe the vehicle was having issues before I got it as I've found some bills for investigations that would suggest this kind of issue - testing pedal voltages, changing pedal, changing ecu, direct earth to ecu from battery negative, and a couple of injector loom changes in short order. 

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