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  1. Thanks. I put th old switch back on and it now works - something intermittent and corrosion based may come back and give trouble again soon.
  2. Hello people, I am rebuilding a 1984 110. Onto the electrics stage now. I'm having problems with the indicators. If I indicate left or right, all four flash on and off like the hazard lights. The bit that is confusing me is the hazard switch and the flasher unit, 'cause I don't know really how they work. I have a new hazard switch and a new flasher unit, although they have been stood in my garage for a few years. I just wondered if anyone knew off the top of their heads why this happens and how I can solve it? Thanks for any help you can give...
  3. Great job but I'd have been tempted to deviate from th' norm...
  4. I just broke a trailing arm, a nice clean break on a weld that holds th' threaded bit to the the main bar. The main bar is hollow. It now looks really weak, I'm tempted to redesign it. You could easily make one to your own length, bend it, sleeve it whatever
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