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Posts posted by wack61

  1. Westender that's really useful thanks.

    Richy B, thanks for the infor, something to aspire to

    One of the things I like about the Landy is it's Iconic. I own 2 cars, a Jaguar XKR I paid £2500 for because it had a blown engine and box and a Landy Hi cap

    Both attract the same attention, the XKR has a private plate on and look like it cost 10x what it did and people love Landies.

    If I did start up doing this I'm hoping the landy will attract some attention and become a bit of an advert, plus it'd be handy if someone wanted something jetwashing at the top of a muddy hill :lol:

  2. Old biddies might complain about being tied down to the back of a flatbed truck :lol:

    I'm just looking into it at the moment.

    Just looked through the local paper, there's a list of patio and driveway layers but not one cleaner, that's either because there's no demand or no one advertising.

    Basic kit is around £1500 + £100 to get some leaflets made up, second hand value would be around £800 so I recon it's worth a go for a £800 risk

  3. And mine...im in surrey let me know how much you will charge? My drive way is approx 20ft square. thanks

    I'm a bit far from Surrey, about a 7 hour round trip, in a landy at 25mpg, I'd need to charge about £500 :lol:

    If you wouldn't mind FridgeFreezer that's be great

    My patio gets covered in algae over the winter so axelchorus you're right about the safety factor

  4. My job has gone a bit wobbly over the last few weeks.

    I've run my own light haulage Ltd company for the last 21 years but a combination of high fuel prices and cut throat competition has seen a substantial drop business.

    I'm pretty certain I've had enough now so I'm looking at doing something else, Although I've listed it for sale on here my Defender Hi Cap would be ideal for setting up a cleaning business

    So I was wondering if anyone had had their drive or patio cleaned recently, a rough size and what you paid to get it done so I can get an idea of if there's any money in it.

    I have the perfect demo set up as my drive and patio definitely need doing so the before and after photos are in the bag :rolleyes:

  5. He has committed an offence if he was towing a trailer for business use, if your defender is rated at 3050kg gvw as mine is you can tow a trailer with a MAM of 449 kg as the combined weight is then under 3500kg

    If your defender is 3499kg GVW you can't tow anything without a tachograph

    None of this applies for personal use, the definition is Hire or Reward, as VOSA will say it's up to a court to define reward,something as simple as a rosette won at a gymkhana could be defined as a reward, or a cup at a motor racing event

    It gets better than just that though, if you have a van which has a towing capacity of 2800kg and you hitch an empty 3500kg capacity trailer even with a tachograph you're committing an offence because the trailer is over the allowed towing capacity of the van even though it's empty

  6. And a horrific death :angry: Chop one of their hands off so that everyone else can see what thieving scumbag they are.

    Something like that will never be legal but I think there's a case for bringing back the stocks and humiliating them with a few boxes of rotten fruit before they go to court.

    They're never made to face up to their crimes in front of the general public, if something like the stocks were legal i'm sure some kids that were on the verge of criminal behaviour might think twice.

  7. Most new cars have very good immobilisers fitted, it's stopped hot wiring in it's tracks, what they do now is break into the house and steal the keys or drag you out at the traffic lights if they really want it though that is quite rare.

    A full steering lock is probably the most visible deterrent, if it's a daily driver pedal locks, gear stick locks and whatever else you can buy will probably put you off driving it as much as them.

    I'd rely on the immobiliser, alarm and a steering wheel lock and a tracker if you can afford it

  8. I'm in Warrington in Cheshire, according to the link western posted I think they're all the same, i'll make the donation and send the the cost of postage either by bank transfer or paypal gift, whatever you prefer.

    Thanks again BTW it's much appreciated

    I've sent the £5 via paypal and sent you a PM with my address, if a mod can confirm they've received it i'll send you the postage when you let me know how much it is :)

  9. If you want, I can provide pictures of the disassembly and reassembly process.

    That'd be great , thanks, I need all the help I can get, I attempted a 20 minute job to replace the rusty front bumper with one I'd had powder coated, managed to snap a bolt and 20 minutes turned into 2 hours with a hacksaw, still it's off now

    If it's the tool box (driver's side) I have the part u are looking for to repair. It's what I removed from a TD5 seat box, as the fuel tank goes there on mine. It's yours for a modest forum donation?

    It is the took box side, that'd be great if you don't mind,thanks, what figure did you have in mind for a donation + whatever it costs for you to post

  10. I think they're all as bad as each other, I rang a breakers in glasgow for some subaru wishbones, they sent wishbones but from a car 5 years older than mine, I had to return them at my expense but according to them the courier lost them, I got a POD from the courier which they refused to accept so I went through visa for a refund, I think the transaction has to be over £100 before you're covered though

  11. I was under my 110 High Capacity pick up yesterday when I noticed some rot in the floor under the drivers seat, the foot well panel and the section in front of the seat box looks OK but it's under the seat box that's the problem, a big rusty split in the floor the length of the seat box from front to back

    Is this a bolt on part or welded, I don't want to immobilise it by removing the seat box then find it's welded at the back

    Any recommendations as to where to order the part from

    Thanks :)

  12. So if you have a car in your back yard that is not SORN and not insured then you can get up to 8 points and £100 to £1000 fine

    Kerching yet another fine we have to be aware of, this will do very little to stop uninsured drivers, a husband that drives a car registered in his wifes name is insured but some scumbag like Mohammed Ibrahim


    who drives while banned multiple times won't be affected because he doesn't care about the consequences of his actions.

  13. My 1994 110 Hi cap 300TDI has some transmission woes , when I bought it a couple of months ago I knew it needed doing, it's had a new(secondhand)rear salisbury axle which has removed 60% of it but there's still a clunk, also you can't put it in first while moving without an almighty crunch, even at 1mph

    I'm reluctant to go down the second hand gearbox and transfer box route so was thinking of reconditioned

    Is this transfer box suitable for the defender 110 Hi cap as I've found a new one for about 1/3 of what rimmer bros want for it

    Transfer Box - Factory Recon - Genuine Land RoverPart No.: IAB500101E

    I believe it's a R380 gearbox according to what I read they seem to be about £400 reconditioned exchange but I don't want to buy one where the reconditioning is a coat of black paint.

    I've decided i'm keeping this 110 so I want to do it right but I haven't got bottomless pockets so any advice on the best route to go down would be much appreciated

  14. Banning 4x4 vehicles :lol:

    I thing there's a bit of paranoia going on here. ;)

    They'll never ban 4x4s and gas guzzlers, they generate way too much money, they might make them more expensive to run by increasing road tax car tax and fuel costs but they'll never ban them, not in a million years.

    they all go on about us using public transport but it's a joke, I use a mechanic in Blackburn, 35 miles, takes me 40 mins door to door, I had to leave the landy up there ,came back on the train, walk to the station 10mins, train to Preston, train to warrington, bus home, journey time 3 hours.

    If we all stopped driving the country would be on it's knees in 3 days, no 75% tax on diesel,nobody gets to work.

    They may bleat on about the environment but it's all BS, an excuse to charge us more in the name of saving the planet

    It always makes me laugh when 4x4 drivers get the brunt of the greenies wrath, they'll wave their placards at a 2.5l defender or range rover while the Mercedes 6.0 twin turbo sneaks past unnoticed.

    It'll never happen so stop worrying about it.

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