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  1. When I tore down my 300tdi there was no sealant on the oil pump plate, as I put it back together I read in the manual that I should apply RTV to the plate as I reassemble it. What have you gents typically done? Cheers, Chris
  2. Is the water passage way in the water pump bracket ERR3736 coated, or does it come bare aluminum. Mine is off right now and appears to have an orange/green color and I’m not sure if that’s a coating or staining from coolant. The reason I ask is mine needs repair on the mating surface to the water pump. Was thinking about having it tig welded but concerned that the heat may damage the coating if it were coated. Does anyone know? The alternative would be an epoxy repair. Cheers in advance,
  3. Reviving an old thread here! I recently picked up a 300tdi from a discovery but don’t have the vin number for it. I pulled the front cover and it appears to have the old style idler pulley and timing gear. (Lips on the idler pulley, none on the gear). I’ve read that there is a kit that fixes this but it looks pretty spendy, so my questions are. On kit STC4095K how did they modify the FIP bracket. Can the existing bracket be modified and if so how? Why do they include a new timing cover with this kit? I’m a little dense and I’ve read this thread multiple times and don’t understand the difference between STC4095L and STC4096L? More importantly, how do I tell which kit do I need for the motor that I have? Thanks in advance,
  4. Circling back on this topic. Does anyone have a line on the bracket, plate, pump for the 2.5 or 200 tdi that they are willing to sell and willing to ship to the states?
  5. My only reservation on the Hylosil is any air bubbles that my occur when it is injected, or will it force out all of the air? A question I have, can you replace the t-seals while the engine and trans are in place or will this knacker the O-ring between the block and transmission adapter plate? Cheers, Chris
  6. I'm curious why one would use the cork seals when you could inject sealant? Have any of you tried the sealant method and what were the results?Cheers Chris
  7. No the question has not yet ben ansered and thank you for your interest. I am able to look inside and it is a 2 pin differential.Cheers, Chris
  8. Would anyone know if the front shafts are 24 spline based on the following? The truck is an exmod, has 24 spline HD half shafts in the rear and has/had a 4 pin diff. The axle number on the front is 23L06565B. I know I can pull the front end open and look but would rather not at this time. Cheers, Chris
  9. How about the front axle half shafts. Is there any way to tell if they are 10 or 24 spline without removing them? I definitly have 24hd axles in the rear with the 4 pin diff. The truck is an exmod and the front axle number is 23Lo6565B. Cheers!
  10. If it is 2.5nad just remove the ribbed rubber gasket, wipe the cap clean, wrap with a few layers of electrical tape, reinstall the gasket and you should have a snug fit. It worked for me. Chis
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