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Posts posted by o_teunico

  1. Digging is free, as I'm doing it by myself with hand tools. Roof is relatively plain, so there is not much height gain once you enter the site.

    What about width? I was thinking about 70cm, for using it with small cars (rover mini, fiat 600...). Length will be about 6m, using that space in front/rear of the car for accesing the pit.

    Entire village is in a hillside, and farm is at the top, so water table shouldn't cause problems.

    Will post some pictures at night.

  2. David, you have understood it perfectly!

    I have been searching the web for vehicle heights. A Pulse/Wolf 130 ambulance is 2820mm tall, a big van, such a high roof MB Vario, 2930mm and big motorhomes are arround 3 to 3.1m.

    I could give it a 3.2m height and a 1.1m depth pit, enough for beeing in a chair under a car.

  3. Hi all,

    After more than six months of digging, I have finally reached entry's level at the back corner in the old hen/duck area at in law's farm.

    I will like to build a pit, but need help on deciding what to do.

    The building is at a sideslope. Height is now 2.7m, ok for the landy and acceptable for the caravan, but not enough for a big motorhome I will like to buy in the future.

    The 5 metre wide path in front of entry door is inclined. I could lower all the area, along with the path, about 70cm for creating a flat area in front of the garage entry and then the height will be 3.4 meters, good for a motorhome.

    The problem is that below the soil there is a black water tank, and I cannot dig for more than 1.6 metres from the level it has now. This will leave just 90 cm for the pit. Is this enough or it will be better having less height in the garage and more in the pit? I'm nearly 6' tall if that helps.

  4. Thanks!

    The idea is to use one battery + alternstor for heater plugs and starter motor, and the other for the rest.

    That way, if you need to leave the car all the night with hazards and/or sidelamps on, it will start with no problems in the next morning.

    A switch joining both positive poles will be used to jump start the vehicle if the cranking battery goes flat.

  5. Hi all,

    I have started to build the wiring loom for my Series IIIA project.

    I´m going to add hazard lights and I want also to fit two alternators, feeding one battery each.

    I rally don´t know much about electricity, so, here the two big questions:

    1)What will happen when, with hazard lights on, indicator switch is moved to left or right position (see diagram).

    2)If the two separate battery/alternator circuits are joined in pararell (like when jump starting), will this cause damage to alternators if it´s left that way for a long period of time?

  6. Hi all!

    A spanish group of enthusiasts have created an event for SERIES vehicles, to be held in Morroco in 2015. It shares the spirit of the Camel Trophy and early Paris-Dakar events, when power and big budgets were not the most important part.

    It´s not only for Santana made landies, so Solihull built ones are welcomed.

    More info www.santanatrophy.com

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