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Posts posted by lansalot

  1. Thanks guys

    was getting nothing at all with the drivers that came with it, but a trip to the manufacturer website got me a working set.

    Am trying megatune with putty closed, there should be nothing conflicting or fighting over the port. Will try on main pc instead of laptop I think, see what happens. Will report back later.

    This is all brand new stuff, never seen a vehicle (yet). Ecu from phil at extraefi.

    Edit: thanks landmann - I read that link before buying and was sure to find prolific chipsets as it seemed good results had been had with it. As it chats with putty ok, I'm guessing the fundamentals are ok.


  2. Folks, any help here ?

    Tried using search (and google), but no joy.

    I'm using a Prolific-chipset USB->serial adapter, and in PuTTY, it works fine. An "S" to COM19 gives me this back:

    MS1/Extra format 029y3 *********

    All well and good. When I start MegaTune, I get "The selected communication port (COM19) could not be opened", along with an offer to work in offline mode.

    common.ini is as follows:


    MTversion = 2.25


    writeBlocks = off ; Default is on.

    interWriteDelay = 1 ; Milliseconds delay after each byte when writeBlocks is "on".

    (I changed delay to 1 from 5 - made no difference - as per the docs)

    I had thought perhaps putty had locked the port, but it doesn't appear to. A full reload and straight into MegaTune gives me the same thing. I can start PuTTY any time and it works fine. Any ideas ?


  3. When at college learning MIG welding, the instructor told me a tale of a young lad on the previous course who having run a decent weld, stuck the torch down on the table - and didn't notice that trigger had pulled on, engaging the wire feed.

    The red hot tip of the wire went through his trousers and gave him an extra hole. Cue lessons from the flute player on how to hold it.

    ps - I didn't buy a word of the story really, but I am always bloody careful where I put the torch. Don't want the story to end up about me one day !

  4. Also, anyone know if one of these is suitable for use with MS1 ?


    It's either that or ~£140 from diyautotune or something...

    Or something I can try and grab from the scrappies perhaps ?

    Failing that, can I get away with a narrowband one, and if so any recommendations ? For a 3.9 EFI (was Hotwire) system, by the way.


  5. Hmm.. am re-considering fitting the auto now then. At the moment it's RV8/LT85 - was going to RV8/Rangey Classis Auto (don't know number) - I had thought the lengths of auto/manual in this case were the same.

    Might just stick with the manual for simplicity.... hill-descents had worried me a little. Loss of "drive" could result in a saucy free-wheeling incident. I'm aware that sometimes when plummeting it's a little hard to nail the gas, which in an auto you'd have to do to get the box/engine to hookup again ? You know it's the right thing to do, just that little voice in your head goes "wtf you doing?!?!?!?".

    If anyone can advise whether the engine mounts (am sticking with LT230 by the way) will need moving for the new autobox as opposed to manual, then I might just keep the LT85 where it is, only swap the engines and save on a bit of fabrication...

  6. Another warning to welders... wear long sleeved shirts!

    this happened about 4 weeks ago, and i now have a really odd tan line and my skin burns really easy in the sun.... not that we get much in derbyshire!

    Ouch! First thing my instructor told us was to keep covered up, the UV that welding emits will scorch you. It's not just about the hot sparks getting all burny - cracking sunburn happens really quickly.

    He also told us about the guy who was attending the college, put the MIG torch back down on the table and didn't notice the wire feed engaged. Until the red-hot tip of the wire burned straight through his trousers, underpants and gave him an extra hole in "it".... Cue a trip to casualty and much jokes about physio from a flute player who will at least teach him how to hold it correctly.

    (Though I'm cynical enough to admit that that tale is probably an urban myth of course :))

  7. FWIW, the Range Rover box I have has the 1-2-3-D pattern in it - I presume that means I can choose to set off in 2nd should I require it, and likewise, I can slip it straight into 2nd and it will stay there, neither changing up nor down.. I don't think going Auto means giving up quite as much control as you'd think. Certainly, my Rover 827 worked that way.

    As for Bowie - have you tried adjusting the kickdown mechanism, maybe it's not set quite right ?

    ps. @ Fridge - :lol:

  8. I have tried, however, to get the back bolts slackened and the angle of the propshaft and UJ prevents me from getting the propshaft socket tool onto the nut.

    You may find that you won't be able to get them all out from underneath - try attacking some from above (the prop drops, so there's more room if you stick the ratchet on top). Get an assistant to hold the other end of the prop up if possible, when trying from underneath. It takes a bit of jiggling, but it's easy enough.

    Always a good idea to replace the nuts each time anyway, they're cheap and (so I'm told) re-using unknown-age nylocs isn't the best idea...

  9. Not counting the fuses - mine were in the relays themselves or inline, you'll need relays for the spots so go for fused ones - I got a simple earthing block from B&Q (like this, but about 10 terminals) for a couple of quid, and stuck it in a simple plastic box from Maplin. One wire in, 4 fused relays later and job done.

    Yes, it looks carp - depends if you care about that. I didn't. As is pretty obvious :)

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