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Posts posted by bathtub

  1. Hi folks, need some off the wall thinking to sort the gearing on my Mog.

    Looking at an R380 and LT230 with the 2.8 isuzu. On my current tyres (like to keep them if poss) with a 1:1.003 LT230 I'd need about 20% more (overdrive) gearing to get to comfortable 'cruising' revs (aim for 2750rpm in 5th gear).

    Everything I read about LT230 overdrives tells me they fail and are expensive (anyone tried or know the price of that new one being made in the UK?).

    So I'm thinking about alternatives. Moglite suggested either doubling with another LT and running it in reverse (say a 1:1.2 running in reverse would give the right increase), maybe the rest of the carp could be removed and just the relevant gears kept to keep it smaller. 3 speed LT230 anyone? Any issues running it input/output reversed?

    Any other ideas most welcome. Am I being unfair on overdrives - it would solve the prob if they were any good, and reasonable cost?

    Thanks for any inputs.

    Al :)

    I run an under drive with mine & just run in high range with the under drive engaged it gives me roughly the same speed as a standard LR in low box & **** me about 1 mph in low & low !!But that does depend on what size tyres you run really. <_<

    For what its worth ive got a modified LT230 ,a 3 speed 350HP & 44 Boggers & it semms to hold up ok but then i am a careful technical driver :lol:

    I am still looking at having a set of ring & pinions made for mine they are quoting approx £1500 a full set for 10 sets if we can get enough people interested i will have 2 sets.

    Also spoke to Atlas Requesting a box to fit my truck & they advised me if i did the mods to the LT230 i have then it would be comparible strenght to the Atlas??


  2. As long as you are carrying a spare :lol:
    As it happens i do carry a spare now ok its a 42" Irok space saver & a 44 in the Van :P

    Cant wait for later this year :rolleyes:

    Tay August Proper **** Jim about 3 times as we lap him :lol:

    September CSW Proper **** Jim as a waffle board :blink:

    October 3 peaks Team Portal have a given Jim a special license to compete .The wifes are driving so he should be able to keep up if not cant wait for the talk in the pub each night :lol:

    Baskils Well hopefuly hes bringing the wife so a bit like TAY & CSW we should all get a proper ****

  3. All places are now booked, any more entries will go on the reserve list.

    Final entry list as follows -

    1 Clive James

    2 Mike Holiday

    3 Jason Farr

    4 John Boy

    5 Shaun Harris

    6 Roger Pardy

    7 Graham Fuller

    8 Mark Sinclair

    9 Stu Ball

    10 Jake & Tim D4x4

    11 Roger Shaddick

    12 Rob Bull

    13 Ced & Lara

    14 Gorgon Law

    15 Derek Hounsell

    16 Pete Whitman

    17 Tony Baskil

    18 Alan Wormald

    19 Martin Hounsell

    20 Paul Whitton

    21 Richard Ibberson

    22 Sean Kavanah

    23 Dan Chanin

    24 Chris Kurniak

    25 Jim Marsden

    Hope the trees are 8ft apart or we will be making Devon look like Tay :P

    Bonus Jimbo the Waffle board is going :lol: Is there anything in the rules that states we cant drive on another team if they are in the way ??? As long as we dont drive on there winch rope :huh: I have looked & cant see it in the rule book.

  4. There are a few threads on this one- no one seems to be able to give a definite answer as to which exact vehicle model/year the ZF74 pump was ever fitted to... Likewise no one seems to be able to suggest a PAS pump with better flowrate figures (other than running two pumps!- long story...) Next step up would be a proper hydraulic pump.

    I am pretty sure a couple of the guys on here run full hydro steering powered by a ZF74- the flow rate is quoted at 13 l/min at 120 bar (real figures appear more like 10-11 l/min at 120 bar)

    Ring Alfred Murray the R-Type bloke he sold me the uprated ZF pump for my V8 {5.0l TVR but its the same front as a 3.9 i believe} that was a direct {almost} swap for the original .

    I have full hydro & 44s & it works fine.


  5. Ced & Lara are crossing the pond from Belgium, Liz faxed their entry over this morning.

    Had alot of enquiries, 13 confirmed already, only 12 places left!

    Woke up the other morning with a wicked new idea for a SS, would so like to spill the beans about it but then that would spoil all my fun on the day :blink:

    Chris can you mail an entry form / put us down for it

    Thanks Peter

  6. Just picked this up from the Devon site. Cant wait....................

    Scotia Winch Challenge Club announce the final entry list for this years Tay Forest Challenge, this is in no particular order and does not list the entries in team numbers,as follows:-

    2008 Tay Forest Challenge Entry List – 14th May 2008.





















    Andrew Thomlinson,

    Chairman - Scotia Winch Challenge Club

    Glad to see team waffle board is on it Alan :lol: I do love Marsden
  7. However IMHO there is no excuse for going out laning on Simex's. They casue unacceptable damage to the ground, and if the terrain of the lanes are such that you need simex to get through the lane, then quite frankly you shouldnt be driving them! The anti's have more than enough ammunation to use against us at the moment!


    Must agree if you ahve a truck with lockers ,Simex [ :lol:] etc then why would you want to green lane it other than sight seeing ?????? If its sight seeing then a standard 90 on ATs will do it if its for play then pay & play at the right place!!!!

    Personally i used to love laning & to be honest because it was at the time challenging :ph34r:

    Since i started comps the idea of laning is laughable in anything other than my wifes Hummer .In a well sorted {ok that excludes the Tub} challenge truck i would even need to engage the lockers on any lane i have driven in the UK let along winch it . Plus as its been said if you do need to then you shouldnt be there HOWEVER

    In Surrey in general the only lanes that are clear are the ones that a driven regularly ,stop driving them &n they soon become unpassable even to walk & then the only truck capable of driving them is a challenge truck unless the council clear the lane :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  8. Is this not the type of rule that makes folk want to move on from the ARC type events?? I wouldn't go to an event that restricted my tyre/vehicle/winch/axle choice - hence why my next event will be the Tay, not an ARC event.


    Makes me laugh :rolleyes:

    So SATs are ok then ??????

    What about TSL Swampers they are the same pattern as a MT almost. Boggers ??????

    Surely if they are going to make rules then the EXACT pattern should be specified not just ban Diamond for instance.

    Same here Adrian if one group want to restict themselves to Ats let them that why we mainly complete abroad now.

    Look at COR events one minute anything other than a 90 on Mts would be allowed & we where all a bit worried about our trucks !

    Know most people arnt interest in them type of events .Which to me shows people want bigger ,louder, less pc trucks !!Horses for course really

    But whatever :ph34r:

  9. [permit the loading of the next round from the magazine which enables fully automatic fire. It is surprising how much damage can be caused (at close range) with a blank round though!

    Yer thats bad i never removed them when i was in the Army :ph34r:

    Chris you where lucky we used to just sling a Thunder flash in the back as you went passed :lol:

  10. You are sure it is KM on the odometer Pete? Seems strange for a US car.


    Yes the speedo is as well ???? i thought it strange .But saying that when it got delivered it had LH drive mirrors on a RH drive car :huh:

    Mind you it has beaten BMW ,Mercs ,LR & porsches record with us :rolleyes: it hasnt broken down yet :blink:

  11. The world lost Humphrey Littleton last week - but I see his sense of humour lives on. :)


    So do the wind ups !!!!

    Anyone with Jims mobile please text him thanking for the invite to his for a BBQ on sataurday ;D I love winding him up !!!!!!!!

  12. Not the UK obviously....but my mates wife has an H3.

    I justed called him to ask what they offer on GULF Spec H3's. The warranty is 4 years or 100,000km which ever comes first.

    I would have thought an American export model car would have had the same warranty anywhere outside of the US. But I guess it pays to read the small print before you buy American.

    Can you not get an extended warranty of the car as an option?


    Ok then so its only 4K klimoteres under not too bad then .

    But it is a full Uk spec Rh drive car .Why it says miles in the manual when you can only read KM on the speedo i dont know :huh:

    Guess i should mention the light came on at 10k to them should i :blink:

    Its is still 6 months early & 1/3 under the miles due though !!!!!

  13. Just a quick question for all you legally minded bods.

    The wife has a Hummer H3 its 6 months old & done 12k Kilometeres

    The manual says 1 year or 10k MILES for service Approx 20k kilometers???

    I have spoken to Hummer & basically it tough i have to pay for a service now :angry:

    Anybody got a comment on that . Landrover a fast enough to get slatted !!!

    Thanks Bathtub

  14. Firstly i would like to wish Jim & Stefan best of luck out there !!!

    Spoke to them yesterday & they had just arrived.

    But you must bare with me on this one but my Geography isn't too good but i just spoke to Jim & Stefan had rolled his 90 in a gully in Germany ??? I thought the event was in Croatia?

    Plus apparently last night he got his back wheels stuck in Fiona ??Where is Fiona

    Thanks Team Bath Tub

  15. I've heard that Tim had some steeringprobs on the buggy, but no further details...

    Just got this mail from Andy Chaplin.

    I am driving the Tomcat & Charlie is co driving ?????? {dont know what has happened there Andy was co-driving for Alloy sport in his Tom Cat & charlie was co-driving for Simon Walton}.

    The Waltons rolled there car 3 days ago we have 4 blown shocks but are doing well .

    Thats all ive heard .


  16. Dafydd, you up for the Alps? Better get some permissions :wub:


    Jimbo has been invited :)

    For a good reason !

    Imagine this <_< End of day 1 the girls are in the bar {they are driving we are co-driving}

    Coral ------ That section we drove was challenging & quite technical Becky !!!

    Becky---- Which 1 was that ????

    THe 1 Jim had to winch :D:D:D

    Cant wait LOL

  17. Not Croatia next year i am afarid :(

    Back to Morroco for us :) The Aussies are coming over in numbers (allegedly) and the chance to meet and drive with that lot really appeals, should be a lot of fun.


    Ps: I'll find out more about Portugal and let you know.

    PPs: Still working on getting Karren to the 3 peaks but she is not keen :( Thinks its all got a bit competitive........ :blink:

    Andy & i will make her come if you like :P On her 3 peaks !!!

  18. Am up for this next year big lad :)

    Can't have the french thinking that you and the Wookie are normal :D

    We were booked on this event and decided to do the Ultimate instead

    You doing this next year or you saving your lardy backside for Croatia 2009?


    PS: You up for Portugaul later in the year? September time? Give me a call :)

    Best ask me nicely about next year as Andy & i have been asked to choose the 5 UK cars :P

    Cherry picked the Ultimate you mean as we wernt there ;)

    Croatia is a definate next year you????

    Portugal ummmmm !!!! Tay ,3 peaks ,Baskill all between August & October :huh: you met the wife :blink:

    I know you met the sister :lol:

  19. Is that a Marshal you carry around with you Pete?

    looks like a good event

    No it was a spectator that got stuck in the Bogger Lug & flicked up on the Arch :blink:

    Sorry yes.

    Each vehicle had a marshal 30 Odd i think.

    There where 5 groups of sections which had its own cheif marshal & then there was a Master Marshal controlling them all .

    This meant no queing or waiting plus after day 2 the top 3 trucks got priority on section choice :P cool if you where top 3 but a bit of a ****ter if you where just in 4th.

    Croatia next year got it in writing from the missus as well !!! :huh:

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