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Posts posted by bathtub

  1. Just found the photo Gallery Link for the event we did at Easter in the Alps!

    Great Event amazingly organized & very tough 3 days 1 night & minus a lot most of the time.

    There are a lot of piccys but worth a look to see the various terrain out there ! Keep in mind when looking at some of the rocks that my tyres are 44" just to give you a perspective :blink:

    If that doesnt go all the way like Jims missus? Then its the Extreme Adventure 2008 last option of photos 960 of them .

  2. Every time i do it i get the stuff all over the place less in the G box.

    So any tips, i dont have a nice pump and G box is in situ, as most will know not alot of space in there to get to the filler!

    I don't really want to use the 500ml squeezy container thing, arms ache, its goes everywhere and i spend more time waiting for the bottle to refill with air after each squeeze than i do actually getting the oil in there!

    Hi ,

    Most tool shops sell a pump that fits to an electric drill that suck & Pump they are around £14 & are excellent ;)

    Sometimes in the cold you will need to prime the pump using a funnel to get it to suck EP80


  3. Enjoyed this last year.

    I like this fast, twisted format.

    Any head to heads this year mate?

    Entry in the post :)

    Can not wait B)


    If you like Jimbo just one question whos giving me ******** you or the missus :P

    Ready for another ass rasping then this year ?????

    Guess what it looks like i have got Jewsons to sponsor the event by supplying some rather large concretepipes etc for us to drive on .The smallest is 4ft in diameter :huh:

    Looking forward to it Cherry boy.

  4. I am thinking about making some new axles for my project,i will be making a pair of new tubes to suite, this is no problem as i have done this type of work before but i have not had many dealings with portal boxes,i have got some designs and good ideas but before i commit to any machining i would like some input from you guys,
    In the Us they just seem to put Hummer drop boxes on any axle & just fit new CPs to fit <_<
  5. [

    as for the V8 - all show and no go.

    Far too much emphasis on loads of noise, bellowing exhaust and chucking clods of mud around with wheels spinning wildly... pah!


    What ever TDI can spin 44s then can it :ph34r: dont tar us all with the same brush :P

    Why not a compromise if you like a Alloy Twin Turbo V8 Diesel ;) only down side i can see is you get away from electrics with the diesel then go back to them with the twin turbo diesel setup.

    I am looking at a Duramax in the new truck but the electrics seem to outway the LS7 option .The diesel is around the same BHP the torque is about 100 more & it will give back 30% more economy .

    Either will spin 44s or drive up a bank at tick over .

    The bit i cant understand is why you would want to anyway ???

  6. Hi

    I am looking to see how I can borrow /buy if cheap enough a water flow meter (I believe its a simple cup with a restricted outlet whicih you run your water tap into when fully open - and the build up of water in the cup tells you against a scale what the flow rate is) anybody work for a water company in or near me who might be able to let me borrow one !!!!???

    Not to mention if your neighbours are washing there cars or all running baths etc at the same time !!!!!!!!!!

    Fit a pumped system is the only way to guarantee water pressure.

    Hey what do i know :blink:

  7. Mine wobble at about 70mph but varies and becomes annoying.

    but below 50mph you don't notice it

    My mate was producing beadlocks for the mod but he didn't build mine but helped me put them together and overcome a few problems but he did say there was no point in trying to balance them. but I would like to try

    Funny that my Bead locks with the 44s are a little unnerving over 70mph as well :blink:

  8. Hi

    After nearly 5 years of trying and alot of money spent , and then giving up totally on Kids and buying a pair of dogs

    My wife is now pregnant, and due with our first child on 8/8/08 :D:D:D

    So warning another read about :)


    Mods i know off topic but quickest way to tell aload of friends on the forum :rolleyes:

    5 years of trying and alot of money spent

    That makes you a cheque book Dad on this Forum :rolleyes:

    Well done mate ! Took me 4 years but must say best F****** 4 years of my life ;)

  9. Well,

    Thank you all for confirming what I already thought, the idea of maintaining a Wildcat 6.0 with sequential

    shifter box out here in Saudi makes the mind boggle. The customer had seen one in a magazine and says "I want one" also he seems to have the necessary pot of money required. I think I have managed to make him see some sense, but he is still very interested in putting together something other than a Toyota. He made the P38 pickup but is not happy with it and may junk it but he also has an ex military 110 with salisbury axles front & back!

    Question for JWRiyadh do you still have your 110 out here?

    LS1 motors and 4L80-E boxes are quite common out here as they are used in the Chevrolet (Holden) Caprice and Lumina's and the GMC 4x4's seem to be fitted with the auto boxes.

    Now I have some questions for you all regarding the LS1 route:-

    1) is a 4L80-E a straight bolt up job or does it need a specific variant or adapters?

    2) does anyone have the wiring diagrams?

    3) which is the best software to set up the engine control module?

    4) if I use the Marks adapter for the LT230 will it stand up to the extra power or will I need to use a US spec transfer box as well?

    4) has anybody actually done it and got one running, or is all part of the many vapour builds we keep hearing about?

    Put it this way give me £6K for my 5.2l Ex Works TVR 500 engine & you can have all the bits you want including to 2 200amp alternators & 1200hp rated 3 speed auto .Then ill go & buy the LS6 engine ;) Your still be alleast £5k better & ill get a proper engine :rolleyes:

  10. I had great service from Si recently - I ordered an X-Charge one evening and it arrived less than 36 hours later. Splendid.....

    My mates sheep had a good service from Si as well but complained it didnt last long though :lol:

  11. OK it's rant time.

    I'm having a nightmare. Every single job I go to complete on the Rangey turns into the Krypton Factor. In the last few days I was presented with the problem of how to make the fuel filler talk to the tank, swivel balls being shot cause they were stood around too long, wiring making me want to kill myself and now the springs can't take the weight of the lump.

    So I exhausted my network of "Specialists' in Ireland and came to nothing. No one was confident enough to tackle my springs decision. Fine says I, I'll call Dunsfold, they pride themselves on quality, have been around a long time and know their game.

    I got sniffed at because my Rangey isn't 'original'. They told me to go to Craddocks, but I've bought stuff from them before and lets just say what came in the post wasn't quite what I was told I was getting so my confidence wasn't massively inspired.

    Can anyone please recommend someone I can ring (I need to put this to bed today) who'll A. have the knowledge and hence backbone to tell me 'these springs are what you want' and B. can post me out the parts.


    Bryn Hemming .Comps a rangie & has done all my suspension work on various car all with non-standard engines etc i can pm his number if you like.


  12. I'm new to the whole forum thing so please forgive me if I have placed this in the wrong section or done something else wrong! Just looking for some advice about winch rope, i have decided to change from steel wire to rope for strength reasons and so on. Which is best plasma rope? I have been told Marlow Dynaline is pretty good? I would be grateful for any advice!

    The only rope ive never had a problem with is 14mm apart from it getting stolen at Billing :angry:

    I would never go back to wire EVER the 2 guys i team with break them a regular as i do with plastic rope .

    Mind you i do take great care of mine & only winch in a straight line on falt ground & wash it after every pull ;)

  13. Thanks for your help everyone much appreciated.

    Just out of interest how long does it take for the twin pump Tmax to inflate a big tyre like 35" or 37"????


    Hi Pete,

    I have a Quick Air 3 electric compressor & it pumps my 42" from 3psi to 20 in about 4 mins .

    Got the Pro-power tank & it will fill my new 44 Boggers in about 50 seconds apparantly & about 20 tyres worth.

    Lighter fuel & a rag works well if you kill a bead lock :(

    Pump your spare to a much as you dare as you drive along & then when you stop use a link hose to pump the other tyres up one at a time. That is really cheap as well .

    Spare tyre 70psi ;) if you dare .1st go a few seconds on each say 10 psi to 15 psi on each.

    Drive a while whilst your Halfords pump does it bit for 10mins on your spare & then start again.etc etc etc.

    Depends if your in a rush. :rolleyes:

  14. It is a fair point that there is no one anchor which will work in every situation. The Scorpion (I presume the PRT?) does seem to work exceptionally well sometimes, when all else fails - but in many, I think more common situations - I couldn't get it to work at all! (I used to own one!).

    Our anchor actually has the same area as the PRT, but is long & narrow rather than wide and short - figuring that this would help it penetrate the surface - but we've not tried it in anger up against a PRT in one of those situations where a PRT appears to be the only one that works!

    We have tested it extensively using a Devon anchor as a benchmark - and it performed at least as well in all situations and better in one or two (such as ground riddled with roots).


    The other ground anchor i have used & it has NEVER failed but takes a while to set up is plates & pins !!

    The bar far best anchor system i have ever see was in the US up a huge rock raveen with no anchor points only sand on a 200m strop to go around them was a

    Hilti gun with rawl toggle fixings :o No very PC but funny as fcuk to watch .Plus the guy wouldnt leave the screw in anchors for the next Truck :angry:

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