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Bill Shurvinton

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Posts posted by Bill Shurvinton

  1. MS2 is IO limited compared to MS1 so you cannot take advantage of a lot of the processing power unless you add the GPIO board. Stepper vs PWM idle aside its a matter of taste as to which CPU does it for you. You can certainly implement more advanced algorithms on MS2, but few actually tune that last few %

  2. For ign only MJ is good. They are now made by a friend of mine as I simply couldn't support the demand along with MS. Keep meaning to do a SM redesign but other things get in the way.

    Your $50 becomes £45 by the time parcel farce have fleeced you...

  3. Except that Ell is running a single point LPG system, which doesn't have any injectors just a stepper motor controlling the flow of gas into a venturi on the intake, so Megasquirt can't be used unless he replaces quite a bit of his LPG kit. Take a look under the bottom of that rusty old wreckfine piece of solihull luxury engineering you have sat outside at the moment - that has a single point kit.

    Something else I intend to get under ECU control at some point :)

  4. I'll do some research. Certainly all the stuff I am used to playing with no one cares. I suspect footman james who do my kit car wouldn't be bothered, which is handy as nearly everything on that is not like any other westfield.

  5. I've still got a couple of panels in the loft that I missed when I loaded it up for Zuz. From memory I think there's a nearside rear wing and corner in Ardennes green to match, and an offside front wing in Westminster grey but virtually new (came off an accident repaired truck that was scrapped shortly afterwards). If I can find the PM there's also another tailgate, brush painted white but apparently very solid, that was making it's way up to me from Honniton Hobbit - last heard of in Wales a couple of years ago so that may be lost without trace by now. Let me know if you want them - yours for the cost of shipping (or forum relay if it can be organised) if you want them.

    Thanks, might take you up on the offer once I have worked out what I don't have in the pile of bits. Oh and once I have got it muddy for the first time , just in case I slide it into a tree.

    Nice to know the engine is running well - it's never pulled as well as the 3.9 on the road, though. Can't really tell the difference at low speeds. The original 3.9 is still in bits in my loft waiting for me to get my finger out and rebuild it.

    Well it will do me nicely for the time being until I decide to do something silly with it.

    As far as the EAS goes all the air bladders are fairly new, it's probably worth stripping down the valve block and rebuilding it as it's never been done and even if it doesn't have any leaks now it'll probably develop them before long. As far as I know the air lines are fine, but again they're original so check them over carefully. The EAS controller threw the towel in quite a while before I sold it - I just used to level it up by jumpering the connector every couple of weeks so it didn't have any major leaks. It's passed an MOT like this before - most garages would never notice the difference, so I wouldn't worry about sorting it immediately.

    One bag is going down over a 2-3 day period. So there is a small leak to find. But not a huge panic.

    Interestingly one of my friends was planning to use this truck as a testbed for a replacement EAS controller (PIC based, not Megasquirt controlled) that he was going to build for a university project, so it has history in this area, albeit strictly in the vapour sense! Because I was fairly sure my insurers wouldn't like it it was going to be built with a standard connector so it could be swopped for the standard controller on the road.

    Well as many insurers don't care about aftermarket ECUs, not sure why an aftermarket EAS would be a problem. I'll need to phone and ask them. Either than or just fit the new controller in the old case and no one would know.

  6. Well the EAS still isn't working, although as I have said I fancy getting GPIO to run that. As soon as I get the bits to fridge so he can get it an MOT I'll get it up to my hampshire hill and start on sorting the table switching out.

    Zuz has done a lot. I need to fit the new tailgate and reaplce the nearside bits but as far as I can see it comes with almost a complete set of body panels. Heated seats are still bust, but who cares. Engine is sweet, to the point where when Dave Haynes put in on a trailer it he honestly thought it still had a 3.9 in there!

    So hopefully it will get better and better over the summer. Mind you my westfield has been in bits for 5 years now...still with a se7en and a range rover I have nearly all the bases covered :)

  7. Yeah, that's what I said...

    Only got about half the history so far, need to read more. Safe to say I need to keep up the tradition of making it better and better as a high bar has been set.

  8. Hmm. IE at work doesn't like this forum. Curious. Firefox here we go:

    Geoff: I am hoping to get the truck registered as a company test mule. As a result I think I should have a way around the fact that is it changed. but will be looking carefully into this. And 'that truck' is now 'my truck' :)

    David: I've seen the Kicker. Thing is I want control, not just the ability to reset. I have the hardware that I can program myself so it seemed like a fun challenge to try and use it to prove the capabilities of MS beyond engine control. The read 4 pots and adjust until you reach the cal values is easy enough to do. Its the error handling that is more interesting as is getting more ability to control from the driving seat.

    Lets see. I have to get the thing through an MOT first...

  9. As the proud new owner of the truck that Fridge is desperately trying to get out of welding for me I'm quite looking forward to getting to grips with what the air springs can do. I have noticed that most people here seem to want to remove them and put coils on. Is this because people know where they are with coils, or becuase the EAS controller is a locked box that requires either huge investment in diagnostic tools or wallet emptying trips to a dealer?

    As the trucks main use for me (as well as a tow vehicle) is as a demonstrator for what MS can do I am currently planning to try replacing the EAS controller with an MS GPIO board. From a first scan of the specs I have more than enough IO and the control algorithm is hardly onerous unless I am missing something. Not likely to happen immediately as, with all my projects work and kids slow me down, but hopefully something by the summer. I suspect this will end up as a bit of a curiousity, but if anyone is interested let me know and I'll track progress on the forum


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