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2015 Defender 90 Puma Cluster Issue

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Hello guys, we have a 2015 Defender 90 Puma which has an issue of dead instrument cluster, all gauges and lights like MIL are dead except for the immobilizer indicator, Headlight High beam, turn signals and the trailer logo on the lower left corner. It happened when we changed the whole harness part number LR060102LR and also the fuse box is new LR055525LR. mind if i know what could be the issue or where to start? Thanks!


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It might be unrelated but it'll at least help to rule it out if you can say why the harness and fusebox were replaced, electrical issues can have a habit of spreading from seemingly unrelated things. Ask me how I know.

My first step would be to check the earths are all connected, no wires pulled out of their connectors, headers are all where they should be and the plugs are in the right sockets (hard to get wrong with complete harnesses, admittedly).

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Hello there mate, we changed the harness and fusebox because half of the vehicle was submerged in salt water. We were able to make the unit run and run thousands of kilometers before we decided to change the harness and box as corrosion is already starting. everything was running smooth before we took the unit down. after we changed it the car starts like normal runs like normal but the cluster is what pissing us off at the moment. it only displays the trailer sign, immobilizer indicator and turn signals along with the bright beam indicator.


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That's really unfortunate.

While you'll never be able to cure the inevitable corrosion entirely, have you looked into products like ACF50 for protecting the bodywork etc? It should at least slow it. I know you're not asking about that but it'll no doubt be an issue.

I'm not familiar with the wiring on the later model but on the TD5, the warning lights are separate from the gauges so that at least tells you it's isolated to that area. 

Best bet is to get a multimeter and start working your way down the harness to see where the power stops.

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