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Problem viewing images

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Most images on here display ok, but occasionally I just get some text saying "IPB Image" assumedly when they've been attached to the post and not linked to an image hosted elsewhere. Anybody know why? Sorry it's not Landy content but I wasn't sure who to PM so feel free to delete this once I've been enlightened! :)

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I believe this can occur if the 'image' is not at the specified URL. One example could be say if someone had a picture on photobucket, and then posted it a few months ago and then last week deleted their image, then you should only see a placeholder.

This can also occur with IE's security settings too. Verify the following are checked under Tools-->Internet Options-->Advanced:

Play Animations in web pages

Enable third-party browser extensions

Show Pictures

It could be a typical microsoft problem, and I'm sure there's someone more qualfied than me that will explain.

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