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Disco2 rear door won't open anymore :-(


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Since I've travelled through Morocco for a month this summer, my D2's rear door wouldn't open anymore. Lever felt normal, you could hear the electric lock work fine.

I thought there maybe a lot of dust or sand in the mechanism so I cleaned it out. A lot of sand came out. After a lot of hassle and rocking the door it would finally open. Cleaned it even better and everything was ok. Tried it several times during a week, still everything ok.

But...one week later it wouldn't open again, tried everything I could imagine without any luck. You can't remove the lock mechanism without opening the door, because the bolts are between te door and the post.

My only option was hammering the mechanism to 3489634 pieces and after about an hour I managed to open the door. Bought another lock from a breaker, tested it a lot of times and everything was working again.

But now since about two weeks my door won't open again. I really have not a clue where to look now. Everything is ok, I've checked everything. All levers are functioning normal, you can hear them do their job in the lock, you can hear the electric locking and see the lever move when you press the button, but the door is still closed..... :angry::(

Who has an idea???

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It's very common for the hinges to wear, causing the door to drop. Sometimes the door makes a scrape mark on the rear bumper where it has gone down so far. The weight of the door then rests on the catch mechanism and prevents the door from opening. Try lifting the door as you operate the catch.


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