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New to Land Rovers and want a defender 110 s/w

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Interesting about Reids as they are just down the road from me and I pop in quite often to see what they have on offer as I am still after a 110 CSW.

There was an M reg 110 CSW for £5,255 and I had a look inside just out of interest and noticed that the drivers seat had totally collapsed.

I thought it was a bit shoddy seeing as they wanted over £5k for it. If they can't be bothered to fix the seat before selling it I would hate to think what else is left.

But more importantly, there was an F reg I looked at before Christmas, they were wanting £3,495 for it and I had a poke about both under and over just to get a feel for what landies are all about (think of it as research with no intention of buying).

I noticed that there was a hole in the o/s bulkhead at the bottom below the bottom hinge. Thought at the time that was a bit shabby.

Well, went back in after Christmas and that landy had been moved into the main compound and now didn't have a hole in the bulkhead. That's odd I thought, ran my hand down it and there was the hole, stuffed with filler and painted over.

Must admit the paint match was damn good but that was the last time I popped in.


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