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I have owned and driven Land Rovers for the last 20 years and currently own 3 vehicles.

The newest is 06 registered LR3 XS which i bought December 2006. The clutch started to disinergrated on the drive home from the local delear to my home 20 miles. I telephoned the dealer to complain of the smell and he said it was just the normal running smells and i should ignore them. So then drove another 80 miles and eventually the clutch went and the in car computer crashed. OK Land Rover replaced all but would not replace the vehicles which is what i wanted. By the way it is a manual gearbox as my wife is scared stiff of automatics.

Now 13 months on and 7500 miles on the clock it all has happened again, both clutch burnt out and computer crashed. I find this difficult to accept as there was no clutch burning smell at anytime up till the time the vehicles was lifted and carried back to the dealer. I asked for Land Rover assist as i had lost all power and the in car computer was flagging up a failure of the auto brake release when the car moves. Land Rover assist were unable to recitfy the fault at my home.

Now the dealer and Land Rover will not confirm if they will bear the cost of the new clutch and computer.

So has anyone else similar experiences with this type of vehicle and how do you feel about the attitude of dealer and Land Rover over this problem.

Am i going to get yearly Land Rover charges for clutch replacement .

How should i approach the dealer and Land Rover over this problem please.

I have bought 12 new land rovers over the last 20 years and feel poorly treated.

Alan Smith

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B***cks - "normal running smell" indeed, what tosh and anybody who said that should be ashamed of themselves.

I only know of one D3 round here that has needed a new clutch and that was down to abuse, more specifically because it had been revved and slipped excessively to overcome the lack of power caused by faulty EGR valves - the clutches certainly aren't a "weakness" unless maybe you use it for heavy towing all the time or (please don't take this personally) it has a lousy driver.

The electric handbrakes are a liability on all of them so that doesn't surprise me.

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I have owned and driven Land Rovers for the last 20 years and currently own 3 vehicles.

The newest is 06 registered LR3 XS which i bought December 2006. The clutch started to disinergrated on the drive home from the local delear to my home 20 miles. I telephoned the dealer to complain of the smell and he said it was just the normal running smells and i should ignore them. So then drove another 80 miles and eventually the clutch went and the in car computer crashed. OK Land Rover replaced all but would not replace the vehicles which is what i wanted. By the way it is a manual gearbox as my wife is scared stiff of automatics.

Now 13 months on and 7500 miles on the clock it all has happened again, both clutch burnt out and computer crashed. I find this difficult to accept as there was no clutch burning smell at anytime up till the time the vehicles was lifted and carried back to the dealer. I asked for Land Rover assist as i had lost all power and the in car computer was flagging up a failure of the auto brake release when the car moves. Land Rover assist were unable to recitfy the fault at my home.

Now the dealer and Land Rover will not confirm if they will bear the cost of the new clutch and computer.

So has anyone else similar experiences with this type of vehicle and how do you feel about the attitude of dealer and Land Rover over this problem.

Am i going to get yearly Land Rover charges for clutch replacement .

How should i approach the dealer and Land Rover over this problem please.

I have bought 12 new land rovers over the last 20 years and feel poorly treated.

Alan Smith

phone trading standards and have a word with them it sounds like the vehicle was "not fit for its purpouse".At least they will give you an authoritith answer and may well take up the case on your behalf.


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