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Discovery 200TDI.


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I'm new on here! I brought a discovery 200TDI K Reg last june, for £700, with 3 months MOT. But didn't expect it to pass another without some work. I got a new MOT on it with some minor repairs. ;) . Given the state of the rear floor, I must admit I was some what surprised! I hadn't planned to use the discovery everyday, but then my Daughter wrecked her car, so she ended up using my wifes car and she ended up driving the discovery! Which she loves now, I'm very surprised at the fuel economy, she gets about 40 MPG.

It went perfectly until about a month ago, when the exhaust sounded like it was blowing, further investigation found that the head gasket was blown at the back of the block, My mate who used to work for Daf (same engine as in sherpa?), took the head off confirmed this was the case, and found why apparently something was broke on the exhaust valve causing it to only partially open. Anyway the heads being skimmed and it's going to be back together next week.

I had intended to sell this discovery and get a newer one, but apart from the boot floor it's a solid one, so should I spend the money on this one? It's now done 117 K, I've done 8k in it with out a problem until the gasket went. It's never used a drop of oil or overheated (even when I knew the gasket had gone and actaully drives fine oh and everything works! Most of the newer disco's upto about £5000 have at least this may miles and some a lot more.

Can anybody recomend a place who could do the floor, some where near Portsmouth and have you got any idea of the costs. I know it's a possible diy job, but to be honest cutting the floor out scares me! Although this is an option.

Before i've owned series 2a 88" so the disco is quite different to these and far more comfortable!

Thanks for your help. Jon

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If the floor has gone, then I would suggest that there won't be a lot of good metal left in the support panels to weld the new one to. 2 options:

1 - Replace floor and side/support sections and weld it all in

2 - Replace floor and pop-rivet it to what is left of the support pieces.

If you have a look through the Disco/RR forums and in the tech archive, you will see that many have done it (including me). Armed with all of the info on here, I would be reluctant to farm the work out as every little additional item that they find needing attention will cost a lot of money. That's if you can get them to agree a price (or even touch it) to start with.

I know another forum member just had some work done on his RR and the guy charged him on and hourly rate + materials. I would be very surprised if you can find anyone that would give you a 'firm' quote as the amount of work varies greatly with each vehicle.

That said, it is a very daunting task for the novice/unskilled. I enlisted the help of another that had done it before, so it made the whole process a lot easier for me!!! It will still cost a fair bit in both materials and time, but at the end of the day, when the money runs out, you wait till next pay-day and continue. If it's in a garage, there probably won't be that option...



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If the floor has gone, then I would suggest that there won't be a lot of good metal left in the support panels to weld the new one to. 2 options:

1 - Replace floor and side/support sections and weld it all in

2 - Replace floor and pop-rivet it to what is left of the support pieces.

If you have a look through the Disco/RR forums and in the tech archive, you will see that many have done it (including me). Armed with all of the info on here, I would be reluctant to farm the work out as every little additional item that they find needing attention will cost a lot of money. That's if you can get them to agree a price (or even touch it) to start with.

I know another forum member just had some work done on his RR and the guy charged him on and hourly rate + materials. I would be very surprised if you can find anyone that would give you a 'firm' quote as the amount of work varies greatly with each vehicle.

That said, it is a very daunting task for the novice/unskilled. I enlisted the help of another that had done it before, so it made the whole process a lot easier for me!!! It will still cost a fair bit in both materials and time, but at the end of the day, when the money runs out, you wait till next pay-day and continue. If it's in a garage, there probably won't be that option...



Yep you are right the side panels are pretty rotten too. So they will need some work too, With the carpet out it is clear that this has needed doing for sometime, when I brought it I didn't check the floor. Still for £700 I knew there had to be a catch! I didn't realise how differently built it was than a Series 2a. I've owned and repaired regularly 2 of them. They were just too keen to visit the petrol pumps though. oh and being very tall I've still got the scars!

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Might be useful to put your location in your profile - it's no use recomending a garage in glasgow when you are in southampton... ;)

I have done this on my 200 disco (and on Orange's Rangie) and it is not an easy thing to quote for sadly. Equally, if I were to do it again, I would not replace like for like - I would use an old aluminium range rover floor, which is likely something a garage would be less happy to do.

it's always worth an ask though! :)

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Yep you are right the side panels are pretty rotten too. So they will need some work too, With the carpet out it is clear that this has needed doing for sometime, when I brought it I didn't check the floor. Still for £700 I knew there had to be a catch! I didn't realise how differently built it was than a Series 2a. I've owned and repaired regularly 2 of them. They were just too keen to visit the petrol pumps though. oh and being very tall I've still got the scars!

Hi Jon, my wife's Tdi 200 was the same. For a couple of months I pondered learning to weld and various alternative methods for fixing the floor.

Anyway after a lot of swithering I DID the floor. Follow the link to my attempt at repair - without welding - on another forum:


Hope that helps?!

Can't remember if I put costs in the article or not so:

1.Boot floor £55

2. Crossmembers times 3 about £35 in total

3 Odd & sods mastic, rivets, angle iron etc £35

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Hi Jon, my wife's Tdi 200 was the same. For a couple of months I pondered learning to weld and various alternative methods for fixing the floor.

Anyway after a lot of swithering I DID the floor. Follow the link to my attempt at repair - without welding - on another forum:


Hope that helps?!

Can't remember if I put costs in the article or not so:

1.Boot floor £55

2. Crossmembers times 3 about £35 in total

3 Odd & sods mastic, rivets, angle iron etc £35

Thanks Biglad, wow I thought my floor was bad! Looks like you did a great job. I'll have a think about how to go about this, I've got MOT till september so it'll wait a bit. I'll probably leave it a while to make sure the head gasket is ok. Perhaps I sholud come to france LOL! :lol:

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That's an excellent job youve done there Biglad.

Les :)

Thanks Les, that's very kind of you.

I was highly motivated to do it myself as I had recieved a quote from a local garage - based on me cleaning out all the old stuff and supplying the new parts - of 600+€ !!!!! :o:o

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