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it died on me???


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i've got a 96 300 Tdi disco that i've had no problems in the 6 months i've had her...... till now

the other night on my way home from work it suddenly died on me... all lights were still on but the engine just cut out.... as i was moving i managed to bump it and carried on going, a mile later it did it again again i bumped it and proceeded to thrash it back home

the next day it drove fine so thought no more of it.. tonight in busy traffic it died again.... i was stationary so was sat turning it over for a few minutes before it fired up again, moved 10 feet and it did it again so another few minutes turning over (thank god i've got a good battery) and a few annoyed people behind me, we was off again and drove fine after that....

now the first night it was freezing so thought possibly frozen fuel pipes or something??? but today it was +10 degrees so that ruled that idea out....

Both times it happened it did it twice and then drove fine (not sure if thats relevant but thought i'd mention it)

I did drive it till the fuel light came on last week (not by choice miles from anywhere) before refilling.

So am i looking at some sh#t come up from the tank and blocking a fuel line possibly or is it something more drastic

hopefully it won't be too expensive as i've spent a fair bit on it already

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took the spider unit out and found 3 dry solder joints so ordered the bypass part from land rover (haven't any in stock :( ) and resoldered the dry joints to tide me over till the part comes ;)

So thanks for that link bogmonster it worked a treat :D

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Part arrived and duly fitted..... what a difference not only is it no longer cutting out but it fires up on the first turn of the key (not turning over a few times before starting) and performance has improved too which was a pleasant side effect, pulls better and feels much smoother.

So hopefully my mpg will improve as well :lol:

So thanks again for that bogmonster what i initially thought was the pump on its way out which would cost over £100, it cost me £8 from my local land rover dealer ;)

now why can't the wifes mercedes be that cheap to fix :angry:

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