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Green Lanes

Martin L

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I don't think it's really an argumentative petition. In fact, to me it looks very none-politically put together, i.e. they'll just brush it off because it is full of holes. To my knowledge, the term greenlane doesn't even hold any value. It should have been talking about Rights of Way and Priorities if the petition was to even hold an ounce of weight. So for that reason I am not signing it.

"Anyone can identify a problem. Some people can explain the problem. Very few people are able to provide a practical solution."

Is anyone on this list of 758 (now 759 people including me) able address the problem that so many people have identified? Surely there is someone out there who is an enthusiastic "Right Of Way" user, who has some knowledge of the judicial/political system and can write a petition that is not apparently "full of holes", and raise awareness of it to a sufficient level that it can get a more substantial number of signatures and a stronger standing with the legislation writers.

Before you all reply to ask why I don't do something about it, I am not a Greenlane/Right of Way user, but for those of you who obviously feel strongly about it, there may be a little more that you can do than just state your opinion on here. I agree that the spelling mistakes are unfortunate, but credit where credit is due, at least someone's doing something about it.

I hope this doesn't ruffle any feathers, it wasn't meant to, but just reading over all the comments, it seemed a bit like you all want it fixed, but nobody wants to fix it. Just my observation. (I'm sure a good start for getting it out there would be to provide a link on the other Landrover Website forums... or something more adventurous, try appealing to some Land Rover-owning Landowners).

A very wise person once said "you're entitled to your own opinion... even though it's wrong." I'm sure you all agree. Best of luck, and I'll support any petition I see on the subject.

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Hi Kiwi. The reason why I don't put something together myself is for the same reason as yourself, I don't know enough or understand the legal system well enough. But if someone like myself (with limited understanding of the legal system) can see flaws, what will someone who is an expert (e.g. politician, solicitor etc.) see?

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