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It's better than a murder mystery !!!


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Alright guys, thought i would post this as no doubt there might be a few thoughts.


Took the RRC for it's first test drive after getting it running again after the wires fried last weekend. So, after starting it after we sorted it, it started and ran fine in my opinion from what i am used to. However, starting it tonight it took 2 turns which is unlike it. Then fired up but reved up a bit higher than normal before spluttering and coming to rest back to normal revs. When i started the run it did chug a bit. So, getting onto the main 60mph road towards the next town,i got to about 55mph then it started to cough and splutter then cut out. Battery lights never came on straight away but after about 15-20 secs they did. So managed to roll into the side safely, Checked if it would crank over which it did, then checked all wiring for anything suspect. After a few mins i tried again, nothing, like it wasn't getting either a spark or fuel. Had a little wiggle round at the coil and checked all fuses for fuel but all seemed fine. Tried her again, and she fired up, but this time it sounded better with no coughs.

So, got to the next town and sat in line at the traffic lights, few mins later,after setting off, the battery light came on. Drove for about a minute, and it went back off. Then came back on and stayed on until i got to a car park. Took out the multi meter while it was running and the battery wasn't getting the 14 volts as it was when Nick tested it during the week after getting it up and running again.

Tested the volts coming out of the ALT, and still only 12 volts. One thing i did notice was the ALT was very hot indeed, i don't know if this was due to the LPG cooling pipes being a little close to it, or should it be that hot??

So went into the shops for about 20 mins. Came back to start her up and she did. Battery light was out and the multi meter was reading 14 volts now coming out and getting to the battery???

Blooming landies i tell ye !!!

Drove 7 miles to get home and all was fine.........................

I think I'm for getting rather pi$$ed tonight ;)

I'm going to replace the wire from ALT to solenoid as i think this may have been damaged or on its way out?

Got another coil that i'm going to try also incase the one on it has been damaged and isn't performing under load?

New ALT by the way. Don't know if they nice AA men wired it up correctly when they changed over the old one?

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