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CLUTCH Vibration just before SVA test, NO!!

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I took my clutch pipe of the master cylinder last week to move some wires behind it and when i put it back on and bled it all up. I am now getting a horrible grinding sound when i press the clutch down sometimes, Mostly when stationarry but you can here it very occassionally when changing gear on the move.

Can't figure it out, have bled the system a few times now and no different, had never happened before i undid the pipe but that is all i did and had it off for about 1 minute!!!

Sounds like the clutch is slipping or grinding in the bell housing but not to sure.

Have SVA booked in now as well for end of month so was not really hopeing for these lovely eventuallities!!!

Any help much appreciated, Any one know what it could possibly be and a solution or is it going to have to be a split the gearbox and engine job.

Clutch is made up off all new parts enxept pedal assembly.

Many thanks


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Does it make the noise throughout the whole pedal travel or just when you get to the floor?

It may be over throwing the clutch. If you had some air in the system before it may not have travelled far enough.

I can't think of any category your noisy clutch could fail the SVA on.


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