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receiver hitches

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at the back of my landie i currently have something not dissimilar to this...


whilst it makes for a good plough off road (as well as tow hitch on road), i'd rather not have it dragging in the dirt all the time, although in fairness it hasn't ever properly caused to to be hung up on something.

i could remove it but i tow stuff occasionally so a removable hitch seems like a good idea.

good as the southdown tank gaurd/hitches seem, they're somewhat beyond my means.

receiver hitches seem like a good compromise though.

i've come across a few designs...


seems pretty cool, no loss of ground clearance. but will require a fair drop for a normal tow ball and may put a lot of twisting force on the crossmember?

this one...


causes a little ground clearance loss, but that's cool and would allow me to finally reattach my nato tow hitch :)

and the final popular choice (muahahahaha)


sorry its included only as another example, but i'm led to believe it costs around the £1 squillion mark so is not really what i'm after.

final clicky link is

http://www.northerntool.com/images/product...es/12890_lg.jpg i would presumably require one of these also to lower the tow ball to appropriate height.

so has anyone any experience of any of these? are they strong enough for towing large weights like boats and cars on trailers?

are the available in the uk? or really viable in the uk? i've no idea where i'd get the drop plate from in the uk and i imagine they are a shade heavy to consider importing.

i'd be grateful for any opinions, especially since the pirate search function is down and i cant research there.



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Receiver hitches are the only type you'll likely find in Australia. They're generally regarded are the strongest towing setup, especially on a Landrover because they attached to the chassis rails as well as the rear crossmember. We would usually have them made locally by someone like Hayman Reese:


They also make excellent rear recovery points using one of these:


In here:


Paul :)

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LR sell them as a standard part... avaliable through all dealers.

Are for the Ausi market, but they should be able to get you one over here.

Part number: RAA621 for the 90" and RAA607 for the 110" - not sure how much though, think they're about £100 ish - haven't checked yet.

And if need a lower tow ball... new Rangys are fitted with a receiver type hitch, and come with a nice drop plate - part number VUB000720 - but not cheap (Over £100) but comes with a storage bag... (which is over £40, but you can't buy the hitch without the bag AFAIK) - time to visit some salvage yards me thinks.

The northen tool one above, is the same as the RR one.


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