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Hard brake pedal


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G'day all,

My Disco has become a weekend warrior in the last couple of years due to the wonders of a company car :D

When I drive it now, it takes an enormous amount of pedal pressure to get the bugger to slow down. I'm not a small bloke and at maximum attack I can't lock the tyres anymore. It seems to have degraded slowly over the last couple of years with more and more pedal pressure required to slow it down. Because of that it has taken me a while to realise it's not as it should be. It's always had a firm pedal and I know that modern cars are over-assisted to buggery so was expecting to have to use a bit more welly, but now beyond a joke.

If I pump the vac out (engine off) and then hold the brake pedal down whilst starting I can feel it "pull" the pedal down as it starts (as expected), but only very slightly, and not nearly what I'd expect.

I've checked for a vac leak in the booster hose and it seems OK. Equally, disconnecting the booster hose from the manifold and plugging the manifold hole indicates that the booster system isn't leaking significantly either (ie. no change to engine revs/smoothness with it plugged or connected, big difference when open as expected).

No big difference between cold and warm, quality brake pads fitted with lots of life, etc. Note that the pedal is hard, not spongy. Like someone's put a big chunk of dense rubber between the pedal and floor.

Are there known issues which would explain this? Should I just replace the booster? I've got a fully functional spare out of a D2 V8 so that's no problem, but don't want to do it unnecessarily if it's something else.

As always I would welcome any thoughts, comments or suggestions from the brains-trust.


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Sounds almost exactly the smae as the problem on my 90 (apart from the fact you can stop yours with two of you on the pedal) and I've narrowed it down to the servo unit. I think the valve inside isn't allowing the atmosphere in to make the servo (booster) do anything, so I've downloaded a new one of Eblag and will be fitting it this weekend, and am hoping this will fix it (its the only thing left really, so it'd better be ...)

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