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Getting a 300Tdi ready for a LONG trip.

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Do you even bother reading some of the replies some of us have offered?! I did actually mention already, not needing to have to do a chassis replace, if you get a vehicle with a traceable provenance, as one of the first replies at the start of this thread. mad.gif

And following on from my train of thought of only dealing with one of the big name dealers.......give Mark at the Land Rover Centre a call. Their website looks a little barren at the moment, but they can source anything you like, very quickly. The beautiful thing is, they will deliver the vehicle to you. Mine was delivered free of charge, but they may now make a small charge, given the economic climate.

Either way, the service, reputation & quality of vehicles available from the Land Rover Centre, is absolutely superb. This is the place that Richard Hammond got Buster from, and you can read the story, and see the pictures, of the seven day conversion of that vehicle, to see the depth of knowledge, and quality of vehicles that they turn out there.


Exactly Martin. But what do I know ? Neil knows more than I do the way he rubbishes what I've said.

By the way it's MARC at the Defender Centre.


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Re: Post #15 this thread.

I have since gone back over the MOT situation and form v890 is now out of date (sort of). The vehicle, according to the new legislation, has to be SORN’d in the UK and kept in the UK. However you do not have to tell them where it is. The V5 document should reflect the owner address but the vehicle could be anywhere in the UK.

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I've read all you posts and followed up on most of them with sincere thanks. I've acted on a lot, followed up on lot and researched about 200 hours now. This is all I’ve done for the last 5 weeks solid. Well I did go to Belgium for three days. One of which was spent on this. Its amazing what you can learn in 5 weeks so although I knew almost nothing 5 weeks ago I do know something now. I've never been condescending or rude and am grateful for everyone’s help. I really am.

The reason I was presuming I’d need a chassis is all the ones I’d seen were carp. I've now seen a few with decent chassis and now I’m thinking about a 110 there are lots more to choose from. I've current called two dealers (no reply from either). Ones recommended I might add (not by you)

I'll call your suggestions Monday or Tuesday and see what happens. I'm now almost certain what I’m going to do with the vehicle. It’s just the money and logistics of getting it done. Why are all the good manufacturers of interiors not in the UK? Do the distributers really have any experience of fitting the kit they import? Am I better doing it myself? All questions I have that I need to answer.

Can you point me at the url for the suppliers you mentioned. Think I’ve found them but I’d rather check as there’s quite a few with similar names. And their all called Mark !

Mike, I’ve not rubbished what you’ve said. I have corrected things that were erroneous. I would expect the same and in fact you all have pulled me up on things that were ill advised or wrong.

You mentioned carrying a spare clutch. Is this really what you do? Do you think a full Engine strip with gearbox etc would do any good from a reliability point of view? I’m prepared to spend some money trying to prevent the inevitable breakdowns. How far would you think is reasonable? Any advice on clutch longevity? Or even the gearbox for that matter.

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Land Rover Centre link.

200 hours of planning? Pah! That is nothing. I have been planning my trip for years now. Like most things in life, finances have stoped me from leaving sooner. Mentally, and logistically, I am ready to leave tomorrow. Just need all the money to finish off now.

LOL...i think i'm heading the same way. Unfortunatley the wife didn't get made redundant this time. Fingers crossed. :o

off over the read Mikes post on spares now....You know for someone thats never read a book i do an awful lot of reading. OK i've read two....both had pictures.

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Re: Post #15 this thread.

I have since gone back over the MOT situation and form v890 is now out of date (sort of). The vehicle, according to the new legislation, has to be SORN’d in the UK and kept in the UK. However you do not have to tell them where it is. The V5 document should reflect the owner address but the vehicle could be anywhere in the UK.

If thats true it will still be an offence to actually use the vehicle on the road though!

and bear in mind there are ANPR (Automatic NumberPlate Recognition) cameras everywhere now and most of them are hooked up to the police national computer.

use a SORN'd vehicle on the road for any length of time and i'd be surprised if you didn't get a letter on the doormat containing a fine...

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You know this topic has now got me confused, i have SORN'd many cars (and bikes) and have filled in the forms and dealt with the DVLA many times as well. So either i am imagining it all or you know the DVLA a lot better than me, but i have just checked anyway:

Here are a few quotes from the DVLA form for SORN:

What Your Declaration Means

• That the vehicle will not be used or parked on a public road from the date given above, until a licence has been received.

• That you have checked the information provided on this form and that you believe it is correct.

Note: Making a false declaration is an offence for which the maximum fine is £5,000 and imprisonment.


This declaration is valid for twelve months, unless you relicense, sell, permanently

export or scrap the vehicle before the twelve months have expired. We will normally

send you a reminder when your Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)

declaration is about to expire. This form cannot be used if the vehicle is

temporarily out of the country.

And from the DVLA site:

If you are taking your vehicle abroad temporarily, you must ensure that your vehicle is taxed for the whole duration you are away, as you can not make a SORN if your vehicle is outside the United Kingdom.

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I doubt it'd make any difference, you can give someone the best advice in the world but it doesn't mean they'll take it.

Lots of people seem to take stupid risks with overlanding by not doing proper prep and convincing themselves that certain legal grey areas or the old "well so-and-so told me it'd be ok" mean their covered if it all goes t*ts up.

But y'know mike, i'm pretty much at your point now, washing my hands of it.... leaving 'em to it....!


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Not sure i really want to start this argument again. SORN is illegal now. Period. "Criminal" is another matter. Would i do it....not sure now.

The foreign authorities have no way of knowing your vehicle is SORN'd or not. The EUCARIS database some EU countries use (not all the EU are online, in fact only a few) does not hold this info (as far as i know). So although its illegal to SORN and take away (due to the change law and as I understand this came into force when the perpetual licensing law was applied) its unlikely that anything could or would be done. You could in reality take this to court and would have a good chance of it been judged unreasonable if you've made all efforts to ensure your vehicle is legal in the countries its driven in. It would be impossible to export and remain even vaguely legal so the position is this. Take the DVLA advice and export and remain completely illegal or SORN and remain partially legal.

If you do the online export you can keep you V5 (as far as i know) and you also get proof its actually not registered. Bonkers....I wish they'd sort this out.

Its the bloody "costa del" people that have caused this mess with them taking cars abroad and not taxing them, ever. Previously SORN was legal and actually the better way. Now its been made illegal.

You could do the below.

I recon its possible to get 23-24 months of semi legal travel although with no MOT for 12 months. As long as your insurance covers you with no MOT (which is actually a Geneva Convention obligation as far as i've been told) your completely safe travelling back to the UK all the way across Europe in the last two weeks back to the UK to get your MOT. Even that’s bending the rules but to be honest what other choice do people have? No court on this earth would find someone guilty for trying to stay inside the law. If its impossible to do so, so how can you?

With this method you'd have TAX 100% and Insurance 100% of the time and MOT for 50%. Careful timing of the start of each is required and some foreign online/family mailing of disks is required.

I don't want this to start up again. If you have any problem with the above then call your solicitor followed by you MP. I'm not advocating either as they are both flawed. If you want to stay out of the UK for more than 12 months legally, you really can't. Register your car in a country that has reasonable laws and not here. There are a few in Europe that should you register there make it very easy to leave for as long as you want. The bloody MOT is pointless on so many levels and to be honest has nearly made me give up on the idea of the trip entirely.

There was talk of notes on files at the DVLA and all sorts of stuff however this now can't be done. You have a singular choice if you want a legal life. Never leave for more than a year. Life sentence.

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If thats true it will still be an offence to actually use the vehicle on the road though!

and bear in mind there are ANPR (Automatic NumberPlate Recognition) cameras everywhere now and most of them are hooked up to the police national computer.

use a SORN'd vehicle on the road for any length of time and i'd be surprised if you didn't get a letter on the doormat containing a fine...

Of course. Using in the UK was never in question.

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