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Alternator trouble

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Hi, i have a 1992 200tdi 90, and im about to put its third alternator on in the space of a year, what i am asking is....why?

I occasionally go offroading which does involve water (obviously) and i have recently added some extra lights which are wired up to main beem (not sure what wattage),the second alternator was only put on 2 months ago.Could the water or extra lights cause the life of the alternator to shorten??



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Hi, i have a 1992 200tdi 90, and im about to put its third alternator on in the space of a year, what i am asking is....why?

I occasionally go offroading which does involve water (obviously) and i have recently added some extra lights which are wired up to main beem (not sure what wattage),the second alternator was only put on 2 months ago.Could the water or extra lights cause the life of the alternator to shorten??



In a word, yes.

Its not the water so much as the mud, which will grind around inside, all over your nice shiny copper / carbon commutator / brush bits. It also won't do the bearings any good. A quick flush with corporation pop will help after each dip in mud.

Second, running any machine flat out will shorten its life, but I think your battery would have gone flat first rather than managing to fry the regulator circuit on the alternator through overuse.

A third observation is that if the first replacement was for the 1992 original part, and the last two were of the budget persausion, it could be that you are reaping the rewards of inferior parts?

If you hang on here a bit several adults will recommend good makes, and also that if you take yours to the local motor electrical specialist they may be able to fix it or part-ex it for a good one.

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depending whether it has been regularly dunked in muddy water etc and a failure may be up to a point expected, if it was only once or twice i would consider taking the 2 month old alternator back to where i bought it from and asking for a replacement as there is usually be 1 yr warranty on new parts. If regular off roading then going to the scrappy and getting a couple of alternators may be cheaper than buying new when they die.



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Thank you for your replies, i have rung up my supplier who are motor factors so it could be that im buying cheap rubbish but i cant afford a new one so they are taking my old one back to test and giving me another under warranty.

I have also noticed two wires that come from the alternator that were damaged so that the cores were showing and were possibly touching each other whay damage if any could this of done?

errol209 thank you for your tip of using pop to clean it are there any other tips to clean or waterproof it?

thanks again


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if its the two large brown wires touching then there shouldn't be any damage but it isn't a good idea to have bare wires showing so either replace the damaged part of the wire or cover with insulation tape, If its the thin wire and one of the larger wires that may cause damage either way just make sure you cover the bare wires with insulation tape.



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the thin wire is the doide pack output wire that goes to the warning lamp , such that the lamp earths through the alternator if the alternator stops generating current. This is before the voltage regulator and the main output wires are after the reg . Not clever to cross connect the cables

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the thin wire is the doide pack output wire that goes to the warning lamp , such that the lamp earths through the alternator if the alternator stops generating current. This is before the voltage regulator and the main output wires are after the reg . Not clever to cross connect the cables

Thank you for that the wires are now repaired and heavily taped up with insulation tape

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