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disco rear diff bearing??


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Hi all,

On the way home yesterday i noticed a metalic screaching noise that seemed to be from the rear wheel of my discovery.

I thought it sounded like something stuck against the disc, or between the pads, so i took the pads out to check and all was ok.

What i did find is that the noise is comming from the rear diff, possably the bearing at the front where the prop goes in.

I went to my local 4x4 dealer and he told me you cant replace the mentioned bearing, and said i need a new diff at £300!!!

So is this true? its on a S reg 98 300 tdi.

I dont really want to change the axle or diff as its all ok, apart from one duff bearing. :(

Any ideas or thoughts?? ;)

Cheers Ian

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I am pretty sure that is b*llocks and you can replace any of the bearings, but a good second hand diff may be cheaper and less hassle - I don't know what the going rate is for a diff but there must be loads available from Equicar etc.

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It can be changed. Usually all 4 bearings get replaced, no point in changing only 1.

But the pinion and the gear need to be set/aligned with specialized tools and some shims (the shims are LR spare parts).

This is normally a specialist job but anyone can do it if he has the tools, knowledge and a bit of experience.

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Thats what the chap said, it would all need to be set up and they cant be bothered so the just get replacements from Ashcrofts.

But i spend most of my time with my head inside tractor gear boxes, :huh: so i wouldnt think it could be that tricky to sort out :D

Dont really want to replace the diff with a S/H one as it might give me the same problem again at some point. plus there are not many low millage discos being broken, and end up with a diff with a million miles on it.

suppose i could get one and rebuild it to play it safe? Anyone know what L/R charge for the bearings?? ££ :o ££ probably cheaper to get them matched somewhere,

Cheers Ian.

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You can find a SH rear diff recovered from a crashed Td5 Discovery, which less likely to have million miles on it.

See http://www.ashcroft-transmissions.co.uk/part_91.html for parts needed to rebuild a diff. I'm sure they can supply a 3 bolt flange and the two sets of shims needed.

You can get the bearings from the bearing suppliers as well. I don't have the numbers handy right now.

Here's an alternative place to get rebuilt diffs. The site isn't working for the moment so I'll give you the link to google's cache to look what's involved. Scroll down to HOW I BUILD DIFFS without clicking on anything: Crown Diffs

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