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Vibration when de-accelerating

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Hi Everyone,

I have a 2003 TD5 auto that vibrates whenever I take the size 9 off the go pedal, the vibration seems to come from the transmission line (I think) and gets worser! the faster I go. The vibration is very noticable at speeds over 100kmh and reduces until there is no apparent vibration below 70-80 cliks. I recently fitted new tyres but the problem persists, underneath everything appears to be OK, no excess play in drive shafts etc. any ideas?

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Sorry- got that wrong. If the vibration was around before the tyres were replaced, that reduces the possibility they are involved. Still worth checking for run out in the new tyres though. Being speed related still points to tyres or wheels as a potential cause.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a nice vibration when putting power through the transmition which turned out to be shot UJ's in the front prop & i'm glad I caught them in timemight be worth checking them just incase

Thanks for that, but I did not have a vibration two years ago when the Hookes UJ on the rear of the front drive shaft gave way, just whack whack whack whack, as they do at 100 clicks. Turns out this latest vibration was caused by shot bearings in front diff. Maybe the front drive shaft destroyed more than the gearbox housing, floor pan and my nerves two years ago.

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