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Disco 300Tdi Electric Seats


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Hi all, it's been a while!

I've been building my disco for a while now and finally got it MOT'd just this morning. When I came home I decided to have a quick fiddle (as you do...) with the electric seats - until now I hadn't tried to adjust them and the driving position was not great but as I hadn't been driving it, it didn't matter!

Long story short, the seat base will move forwards and the seat back will move forwards also (un-recline) but neither will move backwards - I now have a car I can barely fit into....

Does anyone know how to manually or electronically override the seat switches until I can get them sorted? (A bit of searching leads me to believe they are the likely culprits).

Please help, I'm unlikely to loose 4 stone and shrink by half a foot over the next few days...


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No probs - glad you found it useful. It's these sort of niggly things that seem to take up the most time, and create the most frustration until they're fixed!

For info, if desparate you could whip them out, and short the contacts with a bent paper clip until the seat is where you want it. Trial and error would quickly find the right places to link for each motion.

I also have found that sometimes exerting a little pressure in additional directions may just impart enough contact force to make the seat move - worth taking the little switch cover off for this and moving the little rod with your fingers, then giving it a little wiggle.


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