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Black paint that is Grey


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I bought some black paint from Toolstation this week, to paint over my chassis repairs. The catalogue descirbes it a hammer finish black. When I opened the tin it is metallic grey. So I took it back this morning, and they say that is the colour of the black paint! What more they can't give me my money back or exchange it because I have opened it!

Be warned if anyone was thinking to try this paint - definately not black.

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I would have not accepted that and quoted the The Sale and Supply of good Regulations to them, it is the responsibly of the seller to ensure that the item is described accurately and fit for purpose. Take a small bit out and paint it on a small sample piece next to a swab of black paint, just in case it dries black go back and point out to them that it is not black. I know it sounds petty but if you get no joy tell them that you will talk to the local paper and report them to the local trading standards for breaching the trade descriptions act also get them to officially right down the reasons they will not give you a refund, I think you will find their attitude will change I would also ask them for a token gesture to compensate you for your wasted time during your first visit when they breached their statutory obligations under The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002.

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I sent an email complaint to the company, and I got this reply;

" I have put this through to be investigated at our depot. They should have a resolution for this issue by tomorrow and someone will contact you in reference to this. "

I did mix it very thoruoghtly but it stayed grey. I will try painting something to see how it dries.

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I used Toolstation black hammer finish paint yesterday to cover up my nasty welding rustproof some MOT repairs. It was definately black in the tin, black on the brush and black on the disco. It's still black this morning!

TS do a silver paint of the same type though - mislabelled tin perhaps?


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ChrisB, that's just what I need to show them. Must definately be a mis labelled tin then. I painted a piece of metal tonight with it, went on silver-grey. See what it dries like in the morning.I don't think it is going to be black somehow.

No reply from Toolstation today as they promised.

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The latest is that Toolstation have had a batch of paint which was not black and they are going to replace it for me with a tin from a different batch. I can collect it from the store on Monday, and the store will open it first to check. They did offer me my money back too. Result. :D

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