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A toast to the unknown mechanic

Terje K.

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Dear Sirs, Myladies,

I just want to share the feeling I enjoyed when taking off the manifold on my ex-military 1974 Series 3 today:

Hurrah! - and a toast to the unknown mechanic who fitted the manifold to this Land Rover-engine sometime late 1973 or early 1974.

11 out of 11 bolts came out, nice and easy, without violence or sore knuckles.

I take my hat off to people who take pride in doing their job just right, and who are competent & confident enough to refrain from tightening to hard, just to be sure.

For the the next bloke, the d.i.y. mechanic who has to unscrew the manifold 38 years later, this just makes one's day, it's a d.i.y-feast with no hazzle and no sore knuckles. This is practical charity for you, and it contributes to peace and harmony in the Universe!

I hope that he (or she) who fitted this manifold is presently sitting in a pub in Warwickshire, feeling thorougly pleased with himself (herself), or in an old age home, or in that special department that St. Peter has reserved for particularly good people.

I send him (or her) my respect and admiration, and propose a toast, with my Scotch in LR part # 236891, the best glass for a proper Land Rover dram.

Yours faithfully,

Terje K.


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I hope that whiskey was the right Octane content or you might have contaminated that part. :rolleyes:

Dear Sirs, Myladies,

I just want to share the feeling I enjoyed when taking off the manifold on my ex-military 1974 Series 3 today:

Hurrah! - and a toast to the unknown mechanic who fitted the manifold to this Land Rover-engine sometime late 1973 or early 1974.

11 out of 11 bolts came out, nice and easy, without violence or sore knuckles.

I take my hat off to people who take pride in doing their job just right, and who are competent & confident enough to refrain from tightening to hard, just to be sure.

For the the next bloke, the d.i.y. mechanic who has to unscrew the manifold 38 years later, this just makes one's day, it's a d.i.y-feast with no hazzle and no sore knuckles. This is practical charity for you, and it contributes to peace and harmony in the Universe!

I hope that he (or she) who fitted this manifold is presently sitting in a pub in Warwickshire, feeling thorougly pleased with himself (herself), or in an old age home, or in that special department that St. Peter has reserved for particularly good people.

I send him (or her) my respect and admiration, and propose a toast, with my Scotch in LR part # 236891, the best glass for a proper Land Rover dram.

Yours faithfully,

Terje K.

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