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BAMA offroad navigation event, Bramley, 29 Jan 12

McS Junior

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After the success of the last one (see http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=72898), the next BAMA event will be held at Bramley training area near Basingstoke on Sun 29 Jan.

Here are some extracts from the Regs, if you'd like an entry form or have any questions, please let me know.

1. Announcement. The British Army Motorsports Association (BAMA) is to promote a single venue, multi phase cross country navigation and skilled/safe driving event to be known as Rickshaw Ramble 2012. The event will be run on a part of the Home Counties Training Area and be based at Bramley Training area (entrance SU NW651 592) The event is clubman status for four wheel drive vehicles which are insured and taxed for on road use. The event will take place on 29 Jan 12. The event is suitable for all levels and the terrain is not demanding. There is no serious off road.

4. Eligibility. The event is open to members of the following clubs:



Hants and Berks Rover Owners clubs



Federation of British Police Motor Club

Metropolitan Police Motor Club


And any other club which applies for an invitation (I can have you club added to this list if required)

5. Times. Event HQ (SU 654 589) will open at 0700hr Sunday 29 Jan 12. The following times apply: (Times are UT)

a. Scrutineering 0730-0830
b. Signing on 0745-0845 Any competitor not signed on by 0845 could be excluded and their place allocated to a reserve.
c. Marshal’s briefing 0730
d. Crew briefing 0900. This is mandatory for at least one crew member per vehicle.
e. Car 0 on course 0945. Suceeding vehicles will start at one minute intervals.
f. Prizegiving 1800 (approximatly)

6. Route. The route will be entirely on tracks of varying surfaces and of areas of hard standing

(competitors are expressly forbidden from leaving tracks on pain of death!!) The distance will vary by route selection but is not likely to exceed 50 miles. There will be short gymkhana sections intespersed thoughout the day. Route instructions will be given at the start time for each competitor at the start of each phase (except the night navigation which will be issued 15 minutes before your due start time) and could be in any or all of the following forms, or a combination thereof:

a. Grid references on OS maps of varying scale.
b. Aerial imagery
c. Photocopy maps
d. Sketch maps
e. Verbal instructions
f. Trace
g. Diagram
h. Orienteering maps

9. Competing Vehicles. All competing vehicles must have four wheels and should be capable of engaging all four to drive at once. Vehicles are to be essentially standard and no special vehicles are permitted. What is a special will be decided by the organisers, but will include fire engines and ambulances. Whilst modified vehicles are permitted it must be accepted that, to retain the navigation essence of the event, offroad racers and similar vehicles are discouraged. Challenge type vehicles are not, in this regard, considered as racers. If in doubt please consult the Clerk of the Course before entering. The maximum size of vehicle should be about the size of a long wheelbased Land Rover. Crews are required to use seat belts and be in forward facing seats at all times when moving on the training Area. Smoking in vehicles is prohibited whist competing and care should be taken at all times on this area due to the risk from World War munitions buried in the ground (somewhere).

13. Fees. Entry fee is £50 per Crew.

16. Documentation. The followimg Documents are to be presented at signing on:

a. An in date Club membership card or Service identity card.
b. Current drivers licence for any competitor intending to drive.
c. Current certificate of insurance. MoD vehicles must have a FMT 1001 signed by the MTO.
d. Current Certificate of a DfT test.

19. Scrutineering. Vehicles will comply with the technical regulations. Whilst it appreciated that suitable tyres are sensible, really agressive tyres are not necessary on this area. The route has been traversed quite safely using all terrain tyres and if you are unsure please call the Clerk of the Course before entering. (Bernie Stevens 07 775 753 763) The chief scrutineer will advise the Clerk of the Course as to whether a vehicle may start or not. The decision of the Clerk of the Course is final and not subject to protest.

All vehicles are to carry the following equipment at all times whilst competing:

a. Warning Triangle
b. Shovel or spade. It is very unlikely that you’ll get bogged in whilst on this area.
c. First Aid Kit
d. Tow Rope, this must be non kinetic. Additional ropes, of any type, may be carried. Winches may be used with care if absolutely necessary.
e. D Shackle (stamped with the SWL appropriate for weight of the vehicle). This can be a ‘JATE’ ring
f. Fire Extinguisher, at least 1Kg.
g. A reflective waistcoat or jacket per crew member
h. A small spill kit. These are available on line or at local auto factors.
i. A rubbish bag of at least 25 litre capacity.
Do not ditch rubbish on the area!

21. Electronic devices. The following devices are forbidden, on pain of exclusion:

a. Radio transmitters/receivers other than those designed for receiving public broadcasts.
b. Satellite derived position indicating devices.
c. Distance measuring device, other than that fitted as standard during manufacture.
d. Speed calculating device other than that fitted as standard during manufacture.
e. To remain within the spirit of the event the use of portable telephones to communicate with other vehicles, except in an emergency, is forbidden.

22. General Administration.

a. Dress. Police and military personnel competing in service vehicles are expected to wear uniform
b. Equipment. All crews should bring pens, pencils, hi-lighter pens, tracing paper or acetate, an illuminated map magnifier and a Roamer. A stop watch could be useful if your mobile telephone is not equipped with one. A good interior light wil be helpful prior to the night navigation phase.
c. Accommodation. No accommodation is available at Bramley.
d. Food. A catering facility will be on site from 0630hr 29 Jan12. There is no service messing. Claims may be submitted on JPA in accordance with current regulations for Service representative sport with the concurrance of unit budget holders. JSP 752 refers.
e. An authorised H&S specialist will carry out a full Health & Safety Risk Assessment, prior to the event.

23. Competitive phases:

Phase 1 Orienteering
. This uses an orienteering map marked with the control locations. Controls must be visited in the correct order but with competitors choosing the route. There will be an orienteering kite at each control and competitors will be required to punch the correct box on time card 1. A crew member may be required to dismount to punch cards. Manned Secret Controls (MSC) will be established to ensure compliance.
Phase 2
Gymkhana 1
. This will require competitors to negociate marked driving courses in both forward and reverse gears without penalty. Going in the wrong direction and striking a bollard will incur penalties, there will be a regularity test included which will require crews to traverse a given distance at a given speed within an unknown time. Results will be recorded on time card 1
Phase 3 Sequential.
Competitors will be given a marked photo copied map which shows the location of controls and the direction in which they
be passed, Controls must be visited in order and the code letter found recorded in the correct box on time card 2. MSC will be established to ensure compliance.
Phase 4
Gymkhana 2
. This will require competitors to negociate marked driving courses in both forward and reverse gears without penalty. Going in the wrong direction and striking a bollard will incur penalties, there will be will be a regularity test included which will require crews to traverse a given distance at a given speed within an unknown time. Results will be recorded on time card 2.
Lunch Break
. There will be a compulsory lunch break of 1 hour, the time of which will be made known.
Phase 4. Navigation
. This will require competitors to transpose a trace, or series of traces, on to an aerial photograph and follow the resultant route to arrive at the end time control within the time allowed. Route check boards will be posted to ensure crews remain on route. The code letters are to be written in the next available box on time card 3. Competitors must remain on defined tracks.
Phase 6 Scatter
. This will require competitors to visit as many ‘search points’ as possible in the time allowed. The information for this phase will be presented as a 1:5,000 map pre-marked with the points to visit. They can be visited in any order by any route, remaining on defined tracks, but code letters must be entered in the correct box on time card 4.
Phase 7.
Gymkhana 3.
This will require competitors to negociate a marked driving course in both forward and reverse gears without penalty. Going in the wrong direction and striking a bollard will incur penalties. The results will be recorded on time card 4,
Phase 8. Night Navigation
. Crews will be given a set route to follow presented in various forms. Route checks will be established to ensure crews remain on routé, code letters must be entered in the next box on time card 5. Crews will be given 15 minutes to plot the route before their start time.
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I've been trying to get hold of Bernie, but he's not answering his phone, and hasn't responded to my answerphone message :(

Do co-drivers also need to be a club member? When at Longmoor, my co driver was asked to present his club membership card, fortunately Mark had his AWDC card with him, but this time round my misses may be with me instead, and she don't have one.


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  • 4 weeks later...

well we had a fun day out, thank you Bernie, Ross and guys for putting on the day, excellent fun, we ran a totally std 90 (well it had 235 MTs on it but that was it) its all about the Nav, well worth the trip up there.

Whens the next one?

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