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Front bumper fixings?


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I am about to remove my front bumper to start sizing up for making a H/D bumper to suffice until I can afford the winch and bumper that I want, but I was given some 5mm plates drilled supposedly for a D1 bumper mounting but I have only 3 bolts on my front bumper not 4 like there are in these plates, was there a point of change for the newer fixing arrangement?

And no I have not lost a bolt there really is only 3 holes!!

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aha, now mine has a longer plate on the inside and it comes through the hole beneath the body mount, not sure why? Oh well clears that up then, not losing the plot, just got more holes than I need in the plate and a slightly modified bumper mount, think I need to slow up on the booze, beginning to make me paranoid about the slightest little thing!!

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