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juddering wiper blades

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Now that its been raining how many of you are reminded of the dreadful noise one or both of your wipers make. So what do you do. Well you change the blades of course. Yes thats better!!! but hey theres actually nothing wrong with the old ones theve just gone a bit harder than new ones.SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!

Now the science bit. turn the ignition on, turn the wipers on, when they get to the point they are upright turn the ignition off qiuck. now say eg drivers side, look at the way the blade approaches (sits on) the glass.If the blade were 90 degrees to the glass surface it would sweep equally both ways, but its not is it? thats why it only judders on the upward stroke, because its chopping into the glass as apposed to being dragged across the glass on the downward stroke. SOLUTION with the afore mentioned blade in its upright position, attatch a pair of mole grips the wiper arm approx midway along its length wilst standing by the wing so the handle is pointing to you,and firmly bend (rotate)the handle towards the screen so as to square up the blade with the glass. Jump back in side and see if the blade is 90 degrees to the screen , if not bend a little more. NO MORE JUDDER. QUIET WIPERS . sorry if its a bit long winded but its difficult to explain.

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