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Little "noise" after head gasket incident (thinking of purchas


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Hi all, first post here, hoping to get some timely feedback in time to buy this rig or not. It's a 2002 Disovery II with 116K miles, but only low miles on a new engine, which happened when it blew a head gasket earlier in it's life, original owner opted to go for new engine instead of a HG fix. So, it happened again obviously and the owner has "had it". Car is VERY nice, full maint. records, not a drop of oil under the car... all elect works, nice car. I can buy it for 1K with brand new tires smile.gif... but, it's been sitting for two mo, and when I started it up I can hear the slightest tick/knock on acceleration, right when it comes up off of idle... again it's on the UPSWING of rpms, can't hear it at idle. Apparently they did the right thing when it happened again, had it towed, supposedly not "too" hot... etc. Question I guess is, given the circumstances is there any way this could be a noise which is not a big deal? Something to do with water in the combustion chamber, valves or lifter noise? It appears to be coming from the upper part of the engine but I can't be sure. Well, any thoughts greatly appreciated, I'd like to seal the deal on this thing in the AM but the noise gave me pause for sure. Thanks!

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