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Help with 3.9 V8 noise


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It's a j&p duplex timing chain set.

The keyway on both sprockets is solid....no movement whatsoever......the only movement is the end float on the cam upto the retaining plate as shown in my video.

I've had a look at the retaining plate and no evidence of it being worn.

What to you mean by in-out movement on the chain?

I'm hoping this is the cause of the noise as it should be an easy fix :)

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The more I look at this, the more I'm thinking the chain is slapping the cover due to the camshaft not being held in place with a dizzy.

I'm going to put it all back together and fit a dizzy to see if that solves the problem.

I can't get my head around the fact that the engine has been fine for about 5000miles and the it starts......but on the other hand, I also cannot get my head around anything dropping down the bores.

I'm certain it's not a linear slip.

I'm certain it's not bottom end.

I've got marks where the chain is slapping the cover and nothing holding te cam from moving forwards and backwards.

Now just need to find myself a dizzy that I can cut down for the stub.

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OK, one last post, I hadn't twigged..... Duplex timing chain and SERP front end....

When I built my Serp V8, I searched and looked for a duplex chain, none were found, I asked a few suppliers and they all said the same thing -OE single chain is fine, steel gears and rarely wear, no duplex available.

So... I look up your chain set, and find this: http://www.v8wizard.com/JP-CHain-Set.php

Now I wouldn't normally believe a word of what RPI spout, but this bit rings true with my past experiences.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I think you may have the wrong timing set there.....

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Now that is interesting......

I'm also doing a bit of reading myself and I am see the later v8 engines were distributor-less.....and I've also seen a mega squirt v8 site which sells a blanking plug for the dizzy hole in the timing cover.....both these points got me thinking that fitting a dizzy isnt got to solve my issue as other engines clearly run without a dizzy stub

Having seen the rpi thing, that just seals the case in my opinion......it looks like I have messed up by having the duplex chain!!!

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Yes, I saw the megasquirt V8 page as well, assumed Nige (he is on here) just used dumpy dizzies, but I guess on a 3.9 serp like you have, there is a dizzy retaining plate like on the 4.0/4.6? 3.9 and earlier v-belt engines DO need to the dumpy dizzy, or machining and fitting with a retainer plate.

In which case your need for a dizzy is not in existence....

As far as having a duplex is a mistake, worth an email to JP I would think....

Sounds like a solution though!

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