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Posts posted by Rich_P

  1. I don't think it's really an argumentative petition. In fact, to me it looks very none-politically put together, i.e. they'll just brush it off because it is full of holes. To my knowledge, the term greenlane doesn't even hold any value. It should have been talking about Rights of Way and Priorities if the petition was to even hold an ounce of weight. So for that reason I am not signing it.

  2. Thanks chaps.

    The question was for someone who I know who was interested in getting as close to the 7.00 tyre size (like what the CT motors used) as possible, given that they appear to be the tallest tyres that you can use without having to mess about with suspension alterations. Said chap wasn't wanting a super wide tyre either, so I guess 205/80R16 might be the best size given its width and height?

  3. Hi again.

    I'm trying to figure out the closest Metric equivelant to the 7.00 R16 tyre size. I've come up with it being somewhere between 205/80 and 215/85.

    Anyone know of what may be a common size that's very close if not the same size to 7.00 R16?

  4. Yes, the two distributors are interchangeable. Be wary about Paddocks too.

    I had a 45D, not sure who the manufacturer was, but it was pants. First example was jammed and had to be sent back, second example worked for a few months before sticking in a very retarded position. I now run with the old 25D the Land Rover had when I got it, and it runs better than it did with the 45D even though the shaft is worn on the 25D!

  5. The engine numbers won't identify if the engine is fitted with a high or low compression type head.

    Typically a high compression head will have a raised lug that has a head retaining bolt going through it, located between inlets 2 and 3. In simpler terms: on the manifold side of the head where all the head retaining bolts go through, if that surface is the same height the entire length of the head then it's a low compression. Otherwise it is a high compression head.

    But as with anything, a previous owner could have altered it. In this instance a low compression head could have been machined to become a high compression head.

    As for the running on problem, check the timing and ignition components over (and replace as required). Altering the mixture might also help reduce the problem. I was once told that this is more likely to occur on one of these engines given the contents of unleaded now.

  6. Have been told that there are some really good remoulds out there now that don't delaminate thereby being safe.

    If I recall correctly, they're govened by similar rules to new rubber so tyre failures are a big no no for manufacturers of remoulds these days.

  7. Gearbox may not take well to the GL5, that's what suffers as GL5 has some properties that eat away at (I think) the bronze components.

    You'll get a better idea if when you drain the oil after using GL5 that it might have damaged the internals from a glitter like look to the oil.

  8. What effect does double declutching have on changing into second gear? If it improves the gear selection then that indicates possible syncro wear (premitting that the clutch is fully disengaging, check fluid levels too!).

    Can't comment about the handbrake other than check it's not actually binding when you reverse. On Series motors it has happened where the material on the brake shoe has actually come away from the shoe and were jamming the drum.

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