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Posts posted by Matt BADLRC

  1. Entries are now open for The Northern Challenge 12th & 13th December 2009 at Holymoorisde Derbyshire our two day event for teams of two vehicles @£75 per vehicle you will have punch cards on both vehicles and on both sides so that will potentially be 160 punhces per team per day :) .

    We also have The clubman Challenge 13th December 2009 at Holymoorside that is our single day single vehicle event @ £50 per vehicle with punch cards on both sides so that is potentially 80 punches :) . Both events are run alongside each other enter the one that suit you best.

    For more details please visit the relevant website for each event on of the following links www.northernchallenge.co.uk


    please go to the downloads page on each website and download your entry form and send it the Eric Toyne along with your cheque.

    and questions please email Email Eric

    or post them here.

    Due to a situation beyond our control we are unable to run our event at Hameldon Quarry and this event will noe be held at Holymoorisde Derbyshire, Sorry for any Inconvenience this may cause

  2. Glad you all enjoyed it the photos will be along shortly subject to the Royal mail delivering the CD. The results are here Clubman Challenge Mow Cop Results

    Did any of the guys that stripped down at the end see Alans Stuff, if not it might be worth getting Boothy to nip and have a look?

    I have updated the results as it was noticed by he who sets out that I had missed something out on the specials scores, it doesn't change the placing just how long the figures are in the scores. Sorry but I spend all day sat in front of the laptop taking all the radio messages whilst you do your stuff getting to the punches :rolleyes:

  3. Thanks for the comments guys keep them coming, I was talking with Barney today and we were just discussing that Mow Cop ended up a bit harder than our previous rounds, Sorry about that we will do our best to keep future rounds level, but you don't always know when you are setting it up.

    We will work all the comments at our next meeting and feed back here.

  4. yea come on people , hundreds of pics where taken and we never get to see them :huh: , still after the photos from muddy truckers but none ever surfaced :angry:

    All the photos from all our events are put up as soon as we get them, they will appear on the badlc website under photos and on the clubman challenge website, i will post a link here as and when I have got them, promise :)

  5. What sort of events would you like to do in 2010:-

    Single vehicle 1 day 40 punch cards on one side with 2 special stages?

    Single vehicle 1 day potential 80 punches eg cards on both sides with 2 special stages?

    Single vehicle 2 day potential 80 punches eg cards on both sides 4 special stages?

    2 day 2 vehicle team events with 1 card on each vehicle with 4 special stages?

    2 day 2 vehicle team events with 2 cards on each vehicle potential 160 punches and 4 special stages?

    2 day single vehicle GPS plot events?

    2 day single vehicle gps plots and road book. eg gps plots of punches with some having a fixed route detailed in a road book eg tulips etc?

    2 day single vehicle with 1 day of all specials and 1 day 40 punches?

    anythng else we have missed??

    let us know what is missing in the UK challenge scene and we may be able to bridge the gap :):)

  6. Thank you to everybody that entered The Clubman Challenge at Mow Cop, it would appear you all had a good time, and it was nice to see some new faces to our events, we did however have some disapionting retirements.

    I will post results here untilFriday/ early next week when I get back from hoilday and I can get back to my desk to post the full event results on the event website.

    1st Car 15 Ian & Steve Pots 4274 points

    2nd Car 2 Simon Essam 3695 points

    3rd Car 16 Dan Thomas & Matt Price 3604 points

    4th Car 8 Daffyd Belton & Nick Bird 3374 points

    5th Car 19 Chris Booth & Jamie Booth 2497 points

    6th Car 11 Roger Fergusson & Kevin Thomas 1969 points

    7th Car 10 James Raftery & Russell Bayley 1239

    Entries are now being taken for round 6 at Hameldon Quarry its a 150 acer site and it will be 80 punches and punch cards on both sides again

  7. Please make a note in you diary of our dates for 2010 Challenge events

    18th April The Clubman Challenge 1 day single vehicle venue TBC

    16th May The Clubman Challenge 1 day single vehicle venue TBC

    20th June The Northern Challenge Two day single vehicle event venue TBC

    17th October The Clubman Challenge 1 day single vehicle venue TBC

    21st November The Clubman Challenge 1 day single vehicle venue TBC

    12th December The Pre Xmas Challenge Two day single vehicle venue TBC

    Hydro Steer vehicles are welcome at our events

    There will be some minor changes to the MSA challenge technical regulations for 2010 as soon as we have more details we will publish them on our websites ASAP.

    Please spread the word and tell all your friends and as with all BADLRC challenge events they are open to any make or model of vehicle we look forward to your support for 2010 and we hope to make the series of events bigger and better than ever, we also have some plans for other challenge style events in 2010 if we have your support we may implement this at one of the two day events.

    More information will be published shortly when our 2009 season come to an end on the 12th & 13th December 2009. We will then up date the event websites with all the details, you will need to check The Northern Challenge Website for the two day events, and The Clubman Challenge website for the 1 day events. These websites will be updated after our last event at the end of the year.

  8. Entries so far for the clubman as follows


    1 Roger Fergusson Kevin Thomas

    2 James Raftery Russell Bayley

    3 Rhys Hardy Jonathan Hoole

    4 Steven potts Ian Potts

    5 Gordon Conway James Coghlan

    6 Dan Thomas Matt Price

    7 John Sales Glyn Yates

    8 Chris Booth TBC

    9 Alan Kemp TBC

    10 Dafydd Belton TBC

    Dont forget its punch cards on both sides so it potentialy a 80 punch event :)

  9. If this is for The Northern or The Clubman Challenge at Mow Cop next weekend, something permanent with an eye or means of attaching the punch card cable. Either the methode suggested in the previous post,at this event you will be having cards on both sides of the vehilce so you will need it on both sides of the vehilce.

  10. Entries we have on paper so far for the clubman :-


    Roger Fergusson Kevin Thomas

    James Raftery Russell Bayley

    Rhys Hardy Jonathan Hoole

    Steven potts Ian Potts

    Gordon Conway James Coghlan

    Dan Thomas Matt Price

    John Sales Glyn Yates

    Plus other grape vine entries Boothy? & Alan Kemp? any others ???


    Team Sharpe

    Simon Essam

    Plus other grape vine entries any other ???

  11. If people are going to quote MSA Blue Book regulations then they really should try and do it accurately.

    Regulation (F)319 relates specifically to Junior Trials Vehicles (ie modified ride-on lawn mowers for age 7+ drivers)

    There is NO other MSA Technical Regulation which relates to steering mechanical linkages.

    Thanks Neil I had just reached for the book, I was hoping you or Mark might be watching.

  12. Am i reading this right Barny? are you actually going to enter? Should be interesting, but im not sure its fair for you to set out and play, maybe you should be banned from the easier punches!!!

    Or maybe i should come and set out some nasty ones just for you

    Nick I think he is hoping that you will do some anyway, he wont win anyway he will get beaten by one of the pro's :D

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