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Posts posted by Matt BADLRC

  1. At the moment I'm stuck in Ghana - I should have flown back last night, but no flights :(

    I have an option coming back tonight via Rome, but whether I can then get into the UK I have no idea. So we may be there, we may not be there.

    Its a b*gg*r as we were looking forward to all four rounds - typical of Iceland first the banking crisis and now they stop most of Europe flying :ph34r:

    Sorry about that the planes, really sorry you might not be able to get back :(

  2. Final Instructions for The Clubman Challenge have now been added to the event website The Clubman Challenge Round 1 Holymoorside Final Instructions

    An updated entry list has also been added Updated entry list

    Thank you all for your entries and we look forward to seeing you at Holymoorside on 18th May 2010 further details on the above link.

    And finaly please make sure you have all applied for your MSA competition licences, and that you bring them to the event, otherwise you may be subject to a fine and may not be allowed to start.

  3. We should be able to update the entry list shortly with some names you will all have heard of:) Also there are still some of you that are planning on entering but we havent got your entry forms yet. Please download a form fillit out and post it off ASAP.

    Also not long now till the first round please make sure you have applied for and have got your MSA clubman competition licence in time for the first round

  4. We have got 100's of photos how many would you like, they are all stored on the club server for safe keeping. The Clubman Challenge 2009 photos are all here clubman challenge 2009 photos

    you wont like the photos though the tyres are BIG and some of the vehicles are made from bits of VOLVOS's and some of the vehicles have steering from tractors and fork lifts, really you wont like the photo's :ph34r:

    But if you really do want to have a look use the link above The Northern Challenge ones are in the same albums. All the photos from all the events are in flash photo albums :):)

  5. Dear All,

    We are pleased to annouce that we will be holding a 2 day challenge for single vehilces, on 26th & 27th June 2010 at Wern Ddu, Corwn, North Wales. We have got exclusive use of the site for the 2 days. We will offer you a full 2 days competition, The exact format is still being finalised but it will be along the lines of, 40 punches on the ground with cards on both sides of the vehicle, with a couple of specials on the first day, followed by another different 40 punches and a couple of speicials on the second day. The cost will be £80 per vehicle.The event will be open to all types and make and model of challenge vehicles, including, Hydro and 4 wheel steer, portals, and we will not limit your tyre size on this event.More details will be on the event website shortly along with entry forms, technical regulations. www.northernchallenge.co.ukWe are pleased to have Garry winch challenge Smith on the organising team for this one. :):):)

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