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Everything posted by Matt BADLRC

  1. Dear All sorry for the late publication of The Clubman Challenge end of year results they are on the following linkClubman Challenge 2010 Year End Resulstthat will take you to the new event website and they are top of the results list below the photo. On behalf of the club and the challenge team. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during 2010. An wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and we look forward to seeing you all in 2011. Please have a look at our dates on the new website we have added our 2 day event to The Clubman Challenge in 2011 in order that we can now offer you six rounds and a two day event. using the link above the dates are on the right hand side of the website. Entry forms event SR's and TR's and championship regs will all be uploaded for release shortly.
  2. The results & Photos from The Clubman Challenge Round 4 at Buildwas are now on The Clubman Challenge Website www.clubmanchallenge.co.ukon the relevant page. Sorry for the delay
  3. Dear All, Sorry me and Shell didnt get to Buildwas today. The turbo blew on Shell's car and now its very poorly and wont even turn over. Hope you all had a good day despite things being a bit team being very stretched today. Sorry Guys.I will post the results as soon as I get them. Please bar with us, we normally get them up on the website the same evening but due to not getting to the event I havent got them yet. Spent most of the day getting back on the breakdown truck.
  4. We will do what we can to try and prevent that happening again and have a good look round when setting up.
  5. Guss sorry i never replied to your email, My dad had a heart attack on thursday of that week, I will talk to you on sunday. I will send finals out tonight.
  6. This link should work sorry http://www.clubmanchallenge.co.uk
  7. They have got bars on now, to keep either something in or somebody out. We are going to fix the parking issues using some of the tracks.
  8. For you Mike I would have thought so, who says people don't like doing sections they have done before,anybody else got any favorites in there, you tell us where you would like to go and we set it up. I like they way this is going guys so we have one group of about 5 punches set where next
  9. Round 4 of The Clubman Challenge is just around the corner and takes place at Buildwas near Ironbridge on 21th November 2010 if you havent already entered this event please let us know ASAP entry forms and details can be found on the event website www.clubmanchallenge.co.uk A up to date entry list will be online shortly. We look forward to seeing you all again for the last event of the year
  10. Dates for your diary The Clubman Challenge 2011 Round 1 17th April Hawstone Park* Round 2 22nd May Nant Y Ffrith* Round 3 25th September Crew Green or Holymoorisde TBC* Round 4 23rd October TBC* Our 2 day event The Northern Challenge will take place on 25th & 26th June venue TBC by the end of the month* *All dates subject to MSA approval
  11. The photos have now arraived and have been posted on The Clubman Challenge Website click on the following link and then click on Mow Cop Round 3The Clubman Challenge Round 3 Mowcop Photos
  12. Thanks Guys After a bit of a struggle I have managed to update the website with the results Results Here Click on Mow Cop Round 3 Glad you all enjoyed it.
  13. Hope people dont get radiation poisoning off them, dont forget your in the flight path at that site the air ports only 5 mins up the road
  14. Yellow BAD Arrows will be out on Boothys route that is about the same as the ones I have put in the finals. Regards Matt
  15. final instructions are in your email inbox. You have a town and a road name a post code I haven't got. but I will see what I can come up with. There is only one house nearby not sure how accurate a post code will be.
  16. Not too long now guys.I will be sending out the event finals out on Monday by email.
  17. Sorry to hear that we will try and sort something out for you.
  18. Gordon have a look at the proposed changes for youself in motorsports now that will have been sent to all licence holders Summer 2010 issue page 38. If you want any help Gordon please get in touch I will point you in the right direction.
  19. Make sure you keep an eye on Dan we dont want him ending up in the River Trent that runs along the edge of the site
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