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Chris Abel

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Posts posted by Chris Abel

  1. Im just thinking if the axle drops freely and quickly then it may put a fair shock load on it. I have just spent ages making some bits to hold the webbing, just need to find a company to send them to and have a length of strap sewn on them

    You wont need them, coilovers are designed so that they can hold a significant load under tension, I dont use any with my fox airshox, after 2 years of abuse there fine.

    Look at rock buggys in the states.

    if the axle drops freely the rebound damping will take care of that.

  2. I personally think an odd few loosely related but humorous threads only add to the forum and the enjoyment of users. Certainly make me chuckle after a hard day. On the other hand there are heaps of 100% land rover related threads that are either repetitive or insanely simple/moronic that drive myself and many other users crazy to the extent that people are starting to be less fond of the forum. These threads seem to add nothing too the nice, friendly, easygoing feel of the forum but make it a manual for people who cant be bothered too get off there a**e and sort simple things out.

    There, I don't usually get involved in the politics of the site but Its been annoying me (and others) for ages. But now I've had my rant :angry2: and feel better :D !


    I totally agree with Steve and many others on this one, maybe the forum needs a new Section.

    Perhaps an OT / good humour

    Forums are always going to be a place of conflict, everyones knowledge, skill, morals, experience, humour, etc, varies considerably

  3. So how big of a mortgage will the average bloke need to kit out his /her truck with one, nice bit of kit but looks like only for the rich,

    Anyway well done to you both, Can you both have a long holiday so the rest of us can have a chance of a win,


    Thanks mate, it was lucky for us the gearbox broke on the very last SS on saturday if it went earlier i dont think we would have been quite so lucky.

    im not sure what price jim has in mind for it yet, but im sure its very comparible on price when compared to a full Hydraulic setup :) Lets not start the hydro v electric debate again ;)

    Alan you had any more luck trying to upload those video clip onto youtube?

  4. Great Weekend for us again, we loved the mud run and the special stages were good fun, the highlight for me has got to be watching Bathtub rolling before he gets to the mud run :lol::lol:

    Can we have more speed next year i want to go faster :P Bigger jump into the mud run would be nice :rolleyes:

    Got a very nice looking paper weight on my desk at the moment :D

    I would just like to say a big thanks to Jim Marsden for letting me have the honours’ of testing the new Gigglepin bottom housing with FREESPOOL :D it’s an awesome bit of kit and has got to be 25% faster under load than a Gigglepin winch with +40 gears!! :D

  5. Great event again for us, despite the weather <_< It was lucky that it stayed dry for most of the day, i would have been a nighmare to drive on those rocks if they were really wet.

    The Pond that Adrian's TD5 died in last year i can confirm was just as deep :rolleyes:

    Look forward to seeing the photo's and youtube video's.

    Thanks to the AWDC crew, NCGL, and other's who made this event posible.

  6. I would just like to say that Simons arms are a very good product and will work very well for the majority of landrover owners.

    I have tried a set of Scrap iorn rose jointed arms on my range rover and they could not handle the 14 inches of air shox travel, when the rear axle articulated i found that the rear wheel was driving under the car and causing it to crab steer. When reversing like this the axle was being forced under the car and putting huge amounts of strain on the shock body. the QT arms would behave in exactly the same way as the scrap iorn stuff..

    The Long arm suspension kits for jeeps in the states have been avalable for years, the longer arms can deal with longer shocks and make the car far more stable at speed and under full articulation. The gigglepin arms work well for me and ive even got mine mounted upside down :rolleyes: ive not bent them yet and i dont think they ever will after the abuse i gave them yesterday ;)

  7. So how long will it take to get there and rough idea of cost to get there and back towing my rangie?

    I would love to have a go and if your not coming to Tay then i might have to come to vepsskii to take on Mouse ;)

    How cold will it be? not got a windscreen or roof on the rangie at the mo :rolleyes:

  8. u1902933355.jpg

    Nice photo, the LS power really makes those boggers baloon out like Drag Racers tyres :)

    Did you break any axle internals with the extra torque / power from the LS, I know you have used uprated shafts and cv's but are the drop box gears and diff's really able to handle the aditional power when using the 39" boggers?

    Look forward to competing against mouse, she really looks a beast.

  9. and my daddys bigger than yours... get a grip :P

    have you tried ringing a helmet manufacturer? perhaps ask about how to identify compression damage to the lining of a previously hit helmet?

    perhaps we need Neals input on the liability in reference to PPE meeting a minimum standard to be eligable to enter a competition - and specifically if that places the responsibility of "fit for purpose" onto the organisers and how they propose to judge at what point a helmet is beyond its useful life?

    yeah yeah, i understand your point but in reality a helmet will take a few small knocks with no problem, obviously the helmet manufacturer would not agree with that.

    and my daddys bigger than yours... get a grip :P


  10. Of course you are right........

    I hope that many will read this thread and start to wear helmets without having to be asked.

    This would do away with the need for many regs and generally make things safer for everyone.


    Ps: So, you coming out to play?

    Uk events are for girls i guess :lol: , thats why helmets are generally not used.

    Jez, come and do Tay this year, it would be nice to see the mouse in action, ill come and pull you out if your hydraulics are not up to the challenge :P


  11. Helmets will take a few small hits with no problem if you have ever tried to brake one you will know how strong they are, before i screwed up my sholders i used to compete in enduro's and ive had my fair share of falls, crashes etc. There is no way i was going to buy a new helmet evey time i fell off! :o:huh:

    If you do bang the helmet against the inside of the cab its probably a good idea to put a bit of foam on the contact area, if your helmet is badly scratched the scrutineers could say its unsafe ;)

    Never buy a second hand helmet either, it might have had Jim's sweaty head in it! :lol:

  12. Well done! :) Great result when considering the lack of time to get the truck ready, your very lucky to have an army of people to help get the truck ready.

    Look forward to having a good look at billing, (might steal a few ideas :D ) I might have to come along to ladoga next year, it looks like alot of fun.

  13. Great weekend for us again, I really like the terrain at Walters Arena and as always the organisation was fantastic.

    The punch next to the waterfall was scary, but great fun :P

    It was nice to see a bit of comp safari action on sunday, I think we should have some special stages that are set out like a comp safari with a bit of winching in them :D like the oz challenge guys & girls do.

    Lookin forward to the pics ;)

  14. Just a quickie to wish everyone taking part the very best of luck for Round 3 this weekend.

    This is a very different site to the first two rounds with a different set of challenges - may the best team win!!!

    It looks like there will be around 160 vehicles taking part in 3 disciplines over the weekend, so should be a spectacular celebration of off-road motorsport!!

    Sounds great! :)

    I think ive got a busy night tomorrow, ive only just lwashed at my truck from round 2 and its in need of some TLC!! :unsure:

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