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Everything posted by chrisbowler

  1. Following on from the AWDC decision to drop the XTC event in the 2011 calender, I am investigating the potential to run a single XTC event in July or September 2011. This topic thread is intended to act as advertising and discusion of the event and once the basics are in place, the event details will be published. It is hoped to run the event under the AWDC banner and the venue, although yet to be confirmed will be held on military training areas, hopefully either Salisbury Plain Longmoor, Hampshire or Swynerton, Shropshire. I have support from the AWDC and the use of the XTC course hardware and timing equipment and have a management team in place to organise an event. Grateful for any feedback on this subject - I feel that the XTC format has a lot to offer and am prepared to set an event up in 2011 that will offer 2-3 mile rough course with good navigation routes - if successful, and interest is sufficient, it is hoped that a championship could be set up in 2012. All being well, I will confirm event details in early 2011 as to venue, date and further details. Chris Bowler Cambrian 4X4 Farm 2010 XTC championship Winner
  2. No XTC then. Must get the old 107 challenge spec and give you challenge boys something to look at Chris bowler
  3. That is why there is a 5 mile an hour speed limit in the parc ferme - helps if you keep to the speed limit!!! Chris Bowler
  4. Just on my way home after XTC at West Harptree. Brilliant event - very hard punishing course - very well done to Neil for organising and well done to Gigglepin 1st and 2nd, very close finish with 6 minutes dividing top 6 cars - we came 5th in the 107 td5. Just looked at the damage underneath - bash plate well bend and 4 radius arm - chassis bushes totally shot !! Still get that done ready for next event AWDC Safari Sweet Lamb and we are back into Comp mode!!! Bad luck with the gearbox John - need to see your machine at Kirton in Oct. Chris Bowler
  5. If I enter as an ALRC class vehicle, what is the age limit for Co Driver - 14 as per trials?? Chris Bowler
  6. There will be a TD5 trying to rise above the throng of V8s in the West Harptree valley! My entry is in, second winch and bash plate waiting to be fitted. Looking forward to the harder terrain - not sure the supertanker td5 107" is looking forward to it!!! Chris Bowler
  7. Mark - sorry not been on recently - have now got the engine running - am using the original Freelander wiring loom and 1.8 engine ecu to overcome immobiliser so that the key will crank the v8. Done exhaust, cooling and steering pipes. Car will be LPG so no fuel tank. Will try to post some pics in the next day or so. Regards Chris
  8. I have had a Freelander on Disco chassis on the go for about 3 months. Has 3.9 auto engine and box and the next phase is to get engine and Freelander electrics wired up together. Plan is to keep all Freelander electrics, dash and interior whilst making the vehicle Challenge event capable with external rollcage and twin winches. Freelander shell has had minimal mods but currently has virtually no bulkhead below screen. Stll has enough room for the original Freelander dash once new bulkhead has been made. Biggest problem now however is that work gets in the way of projects. Will give sitrep when car is driving. This is a Freelander complete shell ona chassis - no spaceframe cheating going on here!!!!!!!!! Chris Bowler
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