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Posts posted by Frax

  1. Not intentionally but must have fired some water up there.

    Delivery men are the pain of my life, we live in a country estate and all houses and a castle have the same post code so I always supply a phone No: and ask them to call for directions. Thursday last week I got an email saying they would deliver between 10am and 11am, At 12am I get an email saying that they tried to deliver but no one was at home so complete the supply ticket and attach to the door with alternative delivery method. ie: dump parcel in a safe place. Needless to say I was in and no deliver or ticket - next day same thing. Try and find a phone No: for them, any of them is near impossible.

    I eventual did though and now I am promised deliver tomorrow - will wait and see.

    I have now moved my exhaust to the bracket that hold my diesel tank under the drivers seat just at the edge of the body and pointing down.

    It does recommend drilling a 1/2 mm hole at any low point in the exhaust if that part is not the tip to drain any moisture from system.

    Life is a challenge ;)

  2. Well still no delivery of battery, not the people I bought it from's fault, f**in delivery firms.

    Had another disaster, Landy is due an MOT so decided yesterday to give it a good clean, jet washed ever where which turned out to be a bad idea but my own fault. Water went up the eber exhaust and she would not start up, drained and disconnected the fuel pump and put it through 3 or 4 cycles thinking that the glow plug would heat the combustion chamber. This did not work so unit was stripped out and cleaned, found coil on glow plug had broken. Dont know if this was caused buy the water or just old age. Well the way I had it fitted I could not remove the glow plug while it was in place so I have now turned it around and refitted.

    Glow plug ordered so it should be easy to fit now.

    If you have one of these I would plug the air intake and exhaust while pressure washing :blush:

  3. You should have no problems with power, did you fit an NRV in your fuel line as that made a big difference to starting after having the eber running and Defender stopped.

    I will update on the next frosty day after my new battery arrives (should be Wednesday)

    How is your unit smoke wise when running ?

    The heat difference since doing a bit of pump tuning is amazing, had the eber running today after a days shooting in the rain so thought the dog would like a bit of heat to dry herself out - now the heat is channeled to the front I had to drive with the window open

  4. I have been back out fiddling and come to the conclusion that it was battery voltage that stopped her firing. So if anyone knows of a cheap way to fit two batteries in the box under the seat let me know, the one I have in there takes up most of the room.

    For now I can still start it and run it but will need to get the Defender running in about 15 min to get the power up.

    I have now changed the air outlet as it was heating the back but was not really defrosting the windows as quick as I would like it to so I have now drilled a hole in the rear bulkhead and fitted a vent behind my cubby box.



    Next was the white smoke, as I had played about with the pump and had made my best effort at resetting it I started there.

    Turned in the 10mm adjustment nut about 1 ½ turns and started her up, not near as much smoke and far more heat coming from the heater now :) , still smokes but I don’t know how much is normal.

    I am going to leave it there for now but may adjust in again later.

    Hope this thread has been of some interest.


  5. Well its frosty - went out at 8am and used the remote to start the eber.


    She started up and I went back indoors - freezing. 30min later I went back out and the eber had cut out, not sure why yet, turned the stat up but it did not cut in, will have a look at that soon - anyway my volt meter was down to just over 11 volts, turned on the key and let the glow plug do its job then went for a start and she fired up first time so looks like the NRV has done its job.


    May still need to look at the battery as I think these things are very voltage sensitive - not sure if its only on start up or when its running as well.

    Need to find out why it stopped as now I have no idea how long it ran for so might need to do the test again.

  6. IMAG0225.jpg


    Well sorry for the slow update but was out in the garage tonight - thought I would start with a picture of the fuel pump (pic's not the best)

    Think I will need to adjust the pump as I have lots of white smoke.

    Fitted the NRV - lots of diesel running down my arm. Its in though.


    The drip on the eber fuel line is water (I hope) had her for a short run after I fitted the 6mm NRV.

    Should be able to test my theory in the morning as its f-in freezing and frosty here.

  7. Hi Jason I did think it may be the battery as they also suffer from cold but I still had a good 13v according to my gauge, I do only have one though.

    As there is no way of knowing where the metering pump is taking it fuel from as with most things I would think it will take the easy route.

    There is no point in sucking when there is a head of fuel sitting there waiting to be used.

    Now all I need to do is remember if I ordered a 6mm or 8mm reducing tee - brain, I wish I had one that could remember things.

    If it kicks into gear I will order an NRV - I have a 6mm so chances are I will need the 8mm.

  8. Well bit of frost in Scotland this morning so went to the back door about 1/2 hour before I was leaving and switched on the eber with the remote. Great I thought...1/2 later went out and nice warm Defender and all frost gone from the windows. Then the disappointing bit - went to start the Land Rover and she needed some turning over before she eventual fired up. Usually starts on first turn of the key. Thinking about it I am just wondering if the eber had taken the easy route for the fuel supply and sucked fuel back down from my fuel filter instead of taking it from the tank.

    I took the supply from the fuel tank feed about 8" from the tank by fitting a tee.

    I now think that the eber is taking the fuel from the highest point and wonder if it would be possible and feasible to fit a none return valve in the fuel line after the tee so stop any fuel being able to be sucked back by the eber.

    Any thoughts on fitting an NRV to the fuel line...........

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