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Posts posted by wkw90

  1. I think that a post like Mo's about the rover 200 is ok. Mo post lots of good Land Rover post's helping other members , so if he needs a hand and its a bit off topic is it really a big deal . :) Things like tax is something i have on my Land Rover so if there is news regarding them i am glad to read it

    Regards Paul

  2. Although at the moment it's just heresay, the ABS is the least of a car builders worries! Things like air bags, seat belt tensioners, crumple zones, Euro 5 emissions, Catalytic converters - essentially everything you would find on a modern car will be required.

    ABS would be pretty easy to build and taylor for a specific vehicle - something like MegaBrake would undoubtably appear. After-market crumple zones however are a bit more tricky!

    Get those trucks finished!


    A new defender does not have most of that . :(

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