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Posts posted by Ruuman

  1. Hi Richy,

    we do all our correspondence via email, so the forms will have gone to your paypal email address, or whatever email address you registered when you paid. Yes we do membership on the day and will have spare forms and such. Truck registration happens when you turn up and get issued your punch card etc.

    Let me know if there's any problems, I'm really looking fwd to it hopefully weather will be good too.



  2. The Mud Monsters offroad club will be hosting its first winch challenge/punch hunt on 3rd Oct at our 150 acre site in East Grinstead, West sussex.

    Open to all makes, all types. This will be a 40 punch challenge with taped sections and a timed special stage. Punches will range from easy to impossible so a defender with a winch can do well, but will also make the big boys work for their points.

    Were really pleased to be sponsored by gigglepin, red winches and the offroad armoury and will have trophies and prizes for the class winners and runners up including a £50 gigglepin voucher.

    Cost is £35 to club members. If your not a member you can join on the day. A years membership to the club is 25pounds

    A full flyer for the event is here, covering class rules etc: http://www.mud-monsters.co.uk/newsletters/winch_flyer_3rd_oct.pdf

    To book a place £10 deposit can be paid here http://www.mud-monsters.co.uk/pay.html via pay-pal, your information pack will then be emailed out.

    Your more than welcome to camp on Sat night and have a few beers and a free BBQ with us.

    Were hoping to put on 4 comps a year at the moment as well as our monthly pay and plays, camping and night driving events. Come and see us at London to Brighton, we will have a big stand setup with lots of fun stuff.

    Any questions please feel free to ask.

  3. well the way i'd have a go at freeing it is. leave the 5 bolts out the flange. put it in a low gear with the centre diff unlocked and slowly take up drive while standing on the brake pedal. This should transfer all drive via that flange and hopefully free it up a bit. If it's just carp in there it should move, if something else is going on the car will try and move.

  4. what your after is something like this: http://www.toolventure.co.uk/Power_Tool_Accessories/Wire_Brushes/sc1331/p975.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=googleshopping&utm_campaign=googlebase&utm_term={keyword}

    Be sure you wear very good eye protection and some ear defenders. Also wear some heavy clothing, the amount of times I've thought I had a splinter in my leg and then removed a 3/4inch bit of wire.

    This is about the most cost effective way i've found of cleaning a large area and they don't get clogged up with wax oil. I'd suggest chiselling off any loose wax oil or under seal. You will need a few for a chassis.

    If you doing a whole chassis, might be worth seeing how much it would be to hire a sand blaster for a day.

  5. To my knowledge it should be fine. I recently had a friends hydro pto apart and it had the standard output as pictured on the right. I was also planning to use the standard gear on my setup.

    Not seen the left hand side output before.

  6. I went Saturday, the attrition was pretty high, I'll have a vid up soon, there was awesome mog axled thing, but it had a major failure and left earlier.

    http://www.offroad-armory.com/ built the buggy, lovely thing, performed very well.


    The Buggy is a D&G twisted customs buggy with Spidertrax / D&G Portals . The internal Mog gears let up :( But it will be fixed for Manby 450Hp & a twatt driving did it !!!

    sorry my bad picture posting the ORA buggy is this one


    The yellow V8 Buggy was awesome

    Rob, I've got some good incar footage from marks truck when you two were racing. Unfortunately the mic broke so it's missing sound. I really liked the start of the course where it was head to head against the two trucks, the bog went down really well, though I feel sorry for your winch bitch!! :)

  7. I went Saturday, the attrition was pretty high, I'll have a vid up soon, there was awesome mog axled thing, but it had a major failure and left earlier.

    http://www.offroad-armory.com/ built the buggy, lovely thing, performed very well.



    The poor little jimny was built 4 days before and took a proper beating



    I took a ton of photo's, there here if anyone wants a look http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/101497202247388631569/BritishDirt2010?feat=directlink

  8. Oh bloody hell, one poorly worded insult and I’ve kicked it all off.

    Right firstly I should have properly explained myself better. I shouldn’t have blanket insulted all police officers in general. I must admit the actions of SiWhite and the letters from Wiltshire council warning of thefts have actually given me a little faith recently that there are still good ones about.

    But, my experience of the police and the CPS over the past years has been poor to say the least, maybe my beef is purely with Surrey and Sussex Police.

    Like Mickeyw experiences, mine are exactly the same along with all my friends.

    The final straw was when my bike was stolen from my local, it was on CCTV and I managed to get the number plate later on. Police were informed of the incident and victim of crime number issued. Was told an officer will come and view the CCTV.

    I phoned up the next day to update the case with the vehicle plate to be told, the case had been closed off. I asked why, “no chance of recovery”.

    I ‘m a reasonable person, I know mistakes can happen so asked for it to be reactivated and updated. Two months later I finally get a pretend officer to view the CCTV after the case had been repeatedly closed and god knows how many phone calls.

    I was told there was nothing they could do. In the mean time I’d already figured out where the little sh*t lived and if I didn’t involve the police could have recovered my bike or at least some of it’s worth myself.

    Now I would love to say this is a one off, but it isn’t. I’d argue if the case had not been repeatedly closed maybe the response would have been faster. But in my cynical mind the real reason the case was closed off immediately was so the resolution time didn’t skew the stats.

    This brings me neatly on to points mean prizes. I didn’t mean for the officers directly involved, were talking force commanders and county councils. End of the day you present a spreadsheet saying you have prevented 10% more vandalism over last year, the budget for policing is less lightly to be cut. The OP case above is a perfect example, here we have what appears to be an honest mistake, a group of vehicles somewhere there not supposed to be.

    Now when the force commander presents his stats, there isn’t a category for “offroad”, but there is for “vandalism”, “antisocial behaviour”, “traffic offence” etc. Something like this can quite easily count in all of those and an unscrupulous statistician can happily bump up figures this way. All for a couple of hours worth of police time, no CPS involvement, nice easy rubber stamp crime, hell!! the fines might have even covered the officers time. On paper, it looks fantastic. The reality is you really tiddle the public off and breed a serious us and them culture.

    If I were in the officers shoes in the OP story. I wouldn’t have issued the tickets, would have taken all their plates. If it’s a genuine mistake, they won’t do it again. If they do it again throw the book at them. This way the public image is improved, everyone leaves happy and if they are stupid enough to do it again you hurt some genuine criminals.

    Fair enough I don’t have all the facts, but on the face of it if someone is greenlaning, has a map and is on something previously open and still looks open. I can see how it happened. Also the tiny fine suggests it was a paperwork exercise. I’m sure 30quid is nowhere near the maximum. Maybe they are told to fine anyone they see. But I always believed it always came down to the officer’s discretion in cases like these.

    Bishbosh, no idea why you want to know what I do, but at the moment I’ve become self-employed as an IT consultant, with a fair amount landscape gardening and welding while the weather is nice. Previous to that I was an IT manager/project manager/statistician in the public and private healthcare sectors for 8 years. Yes I do take pride in my work.

    Yes the police are an easy target and many people hate them purely because they are the visible sign of authority. I’m not one of these people, my low opinion stems from direct experience and the experience of those nearest and dearest to me. I used to defend the service, it’s not an easy job and dealing with so many walks of public life and only seeing the bad parts of society is carp.

    But the fact of the matter is the only “visible” policing I see these days is standing at the side of the road in a minimum group of 4 pointing a laser gun at rush hour traffic. Again nice rubber stamp 60quid fine. Especially seeing how my local area seems to have had all its national limits downgraded to 40mph for no reason, but that’s another story.

    Right I think I’ve waffled along for long enough. To clarify, sorry for blanket insult, I know there are some good cops out there. But I haven’t met one for a while I’m afraid. Maybe if any of you are at London to Brighton I’ll buy you a drink and you can convince me otherwise :)

  9. I think that seems a bit harsh from the Police... i would give a warning to those parked up.

    Unfortunately using common sense and seeing an honest mistake haven't fallen in their code of practise in a while. End of the day they have to justify their worth, handing out petty fines so they can register the incident is worth far more points and prizes than a simple "don't do it again". Sadly it only makes the public see them as jumped up twats, or is it just me :)

  10. Cool, I didn't know Singh grooves worked on diesels

    in this case they don't!! :) on the other hand I had to look up Singh grooves, you learn something new everyday.

    My engine is an advert for why you don't leave out the bolt on the side of the inlet manifold, have a punchtured intercooler and run no airfilter!!! (i might add none of this was my doing)

    more lovely damage and goodies pics

    found this inside the manifold waiting to add some more Singh speed holes in my pistons


    the whole cylinder head in all it's glory, nothing exscaped damage


    found this in the water way


    how do you damage a turbo inlet this much?!?!


    I think it is a testiment to the 200tdi, I bought it with this damage at 160k, it's now at 176k. Still runs fine, bit down on low end power and won't go over 70. but not bad.

  11. Hi Mike,

    cool, cheers for that, I'm out tonight. I'll give you a shout tommorow. We were camping all weekend and I had to try and keep up with normal cars in my clatter box. We then went to mud monsters, I took out a couple of friends who had never been offroading before so had to "show off" a bit :)

    Needless to say oil pressure is now non existant I was then dragging a bowser about too. it's been close to dead for a while, but hoping to have replacement in by end of the week :)

    did I show you the pics?





  12. god, talk about a post from the past (2007), the rangie has long since joined the scrap yard in the sky. I fitted a 2.8 isuzu in the end, but situations changed and there was no way I could finish the project. so broke it for parts and bought my current 200tdi 90. A chap on here bought the engine and conversion plate (sorry can't remember your name if you see this) hopefully he made more progress than me :)

    Odd timing though, pretty much killed the 200tdi yesterday and have just been setting about converting a disco 200 to defender setup. Any tips on getting the crank bolt off when it's on an engine stand?

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