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Posts posted by D9OSV

  1. Not just to the next SS - if your lot have moved on with the traveling camp (circus :) ) you have to catch up with them too

    in 2006 I competed in the TR2 class, with a russian guy Andrey (great bear of a man :) ) split from the Proto team and camp on Saturday and never seen them till about 4am on Tuesday, and about 360 miles further ahead.

    We were only about 5 km from end of the stage, and only about 30-40km from the closest village, managed to find a dry (meaning above the water level) 5x5 meter island in the middle of the swamp, time was spent on stage repairing the vehicle, then trying to out run the extracting team that was saving the broken crews littering course, because they have to pull you out. But once they do that is the end of your race. Once we got out on to a road I split from Andrey who went to try and find a new radiator and I hopped into a Italian car to drive 200 miles sitting on a middle console of a very small and smelly vehicle in a very wet and smelly clothes.

    Got to the camp, could not find the guys (camps are big and mobiles dont always work) and after walking what felt like miles and miles I found them all asleep!!

    And Jez's reaction ? Oh you back ? You smell ... snore snore - great :lol:

    Sounds awesome :D

    I take it the different classes do different courses?

    When on course do you have to pass check points or anything or is it just A to B style stuff.

    So you can start anytime between 8am and what 10am? dependant on what it says on the board?

    Does each class start in there own groups?

    Once again sorry for the questions....

    It does sound very good.

    And vast B)


  2. Sorry for so many questions?

    So each day your start time is drawn from a hat? or does your finish time from the day before have any bearing on it?

    I know it is not an easy question to answer, but what is the approx start time each day and vague finish time if all goes well...Ish?

    Do they have English translations on the briefings or is it a wing-it type of thing?

    Thanks once again


  3. in all seriousness Jim there doesnt seem to be any averages

    a SS might range from 6 - 67km with a 6km day taking waaaaaaaaaaay more time than a 67km day, each day comes with a handy difficulty number (from 1-9), 9's mean its going to be a tough day at the office, its all relative though.... ask the Ukrainian/Lebanese team that spent 37 hours trying to get out from a level 6 stage.

    meeting the support crew every night is also up to the race team, if they make it out and the car is in enough of a large piece to drive to camp then yes off you hustle down the transit and look forward to a hot/lukewarm/freezing shower seeing friendly faces and coffee. If you are very late out then simply drive straight to the next SS

    camp occassionally stays in the same place for 2 nights, in a way thats nice but in others its not so nice - it means that when the camp finally moves its going to be a hard day to catch them up.

    the first 3 Ladogas for me were wide eyed and wondering what the hell we're going to be hit with next, now its sort of wry smiles and "come on then" its just a question of relaxing and getting used to the Russian sense of humour.

    that isnt deep by the way, thats pretty normal. in terms of how much water in a stage? once again, no averages - one stage might be bone dry, another is waterworld. in the end it doesnt really matter, you cope with whatever comes.

    Surreal (to me) is realising the route dictates you have to drive through a lake - not round it, you pile in and floor it, its maybe 3/4km accross so sending a navigator to walk in front of the car isnt an option, you have to have faith and hope you dont hit a car sized hole and press on the loud pedal - it adds a certain spice to the proceedings.

    its as tough as you want it to be - you cant fight the terrain, only negotiate with it.

    Now that is a the answer i was looking for.

    I did not realise that many teams went straight to the next ss.

    What do you do for fuel? do you pick it up in villages or does support have to source it and then you fill with jerry cans?

    Am i right in thinking that the better teams tend to come in at sensible times (Before dark) and it's only the poor soles that have broken down or are clueless that have a long night?

    Once again, Thank you for the answer.


  4. of course, you've always proved to be such a help and inspiration to us in the past :)

    What classes are there?

    Grand Tourist, Tourist, Tr1 Tr2 and Tr3, what class are you entering?

    What can we expect in way of km's covered?

    I think it equates to all of the croatia trophy in one hit :unsure:

    Do you return to camp every night?

    no, camp where you stop, every 20 hours you must take a rest stop, the rules are enforced with GPS loggers

    Are there night Sections?

    its a continuous event

    What time do you start in the morning/evening?

    kick off is dependant on position from prologue stage, drivers briefing at 6am on start day, finish is when/if you make the end

    What is the catering? Self sufficent?

    whatevers in your car

    Do you have to carry all your own kit?


    Are you allowed support?

    you can have crew but they are not allowed to help

    Is the support crew allowed to help fix the vehicle?


    Are there penalities for outside assitance?


    What do you have to do for fuel?

    buy it and carry it on the race car unless you find a village on stage

    How much does it cost?

    Fuel? diesels about 24 roubles a litre, petrol from 22 roubles

    if you mean the event cost? thats around 400 euro

    How many cars enter?

    good question for this year - no info at the moment.

    Is it a laugh or what?

    Ive never been to Vepsskii, but according to the people I know that have done it... yep, its a laugh a minute.


    When people ask us about events and show an intrest we try not to knee them in the b*lloxs and be patronizing no matter what we think :)

    So to clarify this is event is a endurance event with five different classes.

    I am sorry to be akward, but are the classes the same as Ladoga?

    And how many days is the event?

    Do you know the approx distance? Last years perhaps?

    Fuel has to be collected on the way? or carried?

    And no support crew? (Suits me :) )

    Do you race to GPS points or a to b?

    How is it scored? By total time? Check points achieved? or both?

    Is this an event where the overal winner is in the higher class or one of the other classes? I hope that makes sense?

    Sorry to be a pain, but i know others and myself are geniunely intrested.

    Once again, Thank you for your help.

    Jim :)

  5. Maybe you can bring us the dvd on an evening @ Billing and have a chat, we'll be at Dieter's stand (D&G Tuning) and have FREE Belgium draught beer (is this correct english) the whole weekend!



    P.S. sorry to interrupt this interesting conversation

    Sounds like a plan......... :)

    There are going to be some sore heads.........Again :D

    Is Dieter bringing his big LS monster?

    @Daan: I am afraid you are right about the other thread, shame as there where some good thoughts.

    I tend to agree with yourself that helmets is common sense and that if brought in sensibly would be a very worth while thing to do.

    I was out yesterday test driving a new car, they are so quick now and cover the ground so fast and deal with terrian in an unbelieve manner, that you can find yourself in a lot of trouble very quickly :lol:

    A crash helmet is a must for that kind of car.


  6. Can we have a little help please.........

    Our Russian is not great :P

    What classes are there?

    What can we expect in way of km's covered?

    Do you return to camp every night?

    Are there night Sections?

    What time do you start in the morning/evening?

    What is the catering? Self sufficent?

    Do you have to carry all your own kit?

    Are you allowed support?

    Is the support crew allowed to help fix the vehicle?

    Are there penalities for outside assitance?

    What do you have to do for fuel?

    Do the organisers supply it or do you have to carry it?

    How much does it cost?

    How many cars enter?

    Is it a laugh or what?

    Jim :)

  7. "

    Jezus Jim, I've got a 4.2 Turbo Patrol but it wont shift like that (I think)

    But after watching that it could be time for a re-think


    You would be staggered what they do with them. They take the 4.2, 4.5 and 4.8 straight sixes bolt a turbo the size of my engine to the side of theres and take off !

    Andrew Cassar, Pete Mikalof and Adam Bird (and many others)all do this. Birdie went down the quarter mile in sub 14 secs :blink: and his is not considered the fastest :ph34r:

    @Daan: Your not wrong :lol: Whats your thought on helmets? You usaully have a different take on stuff like this?



    Ps: That entire DVD will be available for the Gigglepin stand @ Billing :) or just come and watch as we'll have the DVD running all weekend.........Bring beer....

  8. I hope that many will read this thread and start to wear helmets without having to be asked.

    This would do away with the need for many regs and generally make things safer for everyone.


    As said before,

    If we do this we can all duck under the binds of the red tape :unsure:


  9. Of course you are right........

    I hope that many will read this thread and start to wear helmets without having to be asked.

    This would do away with the need for many regs and generally make things safer for everyone.


    Ps: So, you coming out to play?

  10. as for my intentions? I think I know them better than anyone but thanks for the tip :hysterical:

    A pleasure :)

    So any chance of seeing you and Mouse competeing in this country?

    Or have we only pics and film clips to watch?

    Many good events you could enter, but you might have to wear a helmet :lol:

    Would be great for all to have a chance to drive with you? And compare their skills and vehicles to yours?

    I am sure many would jump at the chance

    Jim :)

  11. Lets put this into context.

    Quite simply, any helmet is better than no helmet........Full stop end of story.

    Jez, don't panic as you have no intention of racing on this isle you are quite safe.

    The Aussies never used to have a helmet rule until a few years ago...........

    Then someone died.

    Lets make it happen before that happens to us.

    But please let us not tie oursleves down with red tape (Yes we do need rules, but not B*llsh*t)

    Perhaps let us look at the CCDA in Aus for some advice or inspiration. But let us just get things started by all agreeing that HELMETS are needed !

    Or is it going to take a death to kick start us in to action :angry:


    Ps: This where we are headed, and i would like helmets to be complusory sooner rather than later.......

    Check this out : http://www.mudrhino.com.au/Movies/EngelTeaser2.wmv

    Imagine doing that without a helmet ?

  12. Congratulations Jez and crew,

    Another well crafted result :)

    The Ls lumps are a fine piece of metal, got to see many in action in Australia last month.

    Rowan Canavan took me for a spin down a dry creek bed in his 6Litre Supercharged......... Simply awesome.

    Would be nice to see that over here.

    Once again good effort.

    Jim :)

  13. Jim banging the helmet isn't really a good idea anyhow, motorcycle helmets if dropped are recommended to be replaced.

    you'll get a feeling of false security I think any car without a roof ie TC/HT running just canvas would be advised to wear a helmet to save them from intrusion.

    To many regulations will see the sport off down the road of the few who can afford everything, including trailers etc to tow the comp cars around.

    Hear what your saying Tony,

    And i know banging your hat is not a good thing, but better that than your head......... in most cases :lol:


  14. IMHO cages don't need to be OTT for challenge events- IF the organsers are sensible about punch placement and any speed sections... you obviously also have to drive sensibly and know your limits as well though.

    I think you have hit the nail on the head, but not the way you thought.

    Some people do know there limits and also know that they have to pass those to be able to beat some people.

    That is when they take the 'Risk' and that is when crash helmets and cages come in to effect.

    The questions about head injuries? I have banged, bumped and cut my head on numerous occasions when eventing and strongly feel that crash helmets will stop this.

    After a two day event without a helemt my neck is sore from bracing as i try to stop my head hitting the side panels of my vehicle.

    When i compete with a helmet this problem dissapears as i don't worry about it, thus no sore neck.

    Speed always comes into it, as Alan says at Manby last year many cars did not get over 15mph, but some of us did and many more will in the future as people get faster and faster vehicles.

    I am againist the speed bans, but i again also understand why they exist and support them fully until a clearer way forward is found.


  15. Having said that I wouldn't want any more than a cheap crash helmet for challenging as the mud and scraps it would get is not practical and just wasteful doing in a £400 peltor or sparco helmet

    Agreed. I think a B standard helmet is more than enough.

    I also agree with you that cages should have some regulation, but on this i am as guilty as the rest and built mine to my spec rather than a motor sport formula as i knew there was no governing body.

    Is there anybody againist crash helmets?


  16. I personally feel that events are being pushed along so fast, and that organisers are having to make sections so tough, that helmets should be complusory, Period.

    I have competed in challenges wearing helmets for more years than i care to remember, and it is not a problem.

    I forgot my helmet this year at this years Ultimate and felt naked without it.

    Having seen the severity of the sites and sections being set up recently, i hope that ALL organisers bring in helmets as complusory items sooner, rather than later before someone DOES get hurt.

    Some teams won't like it, well it is simple, DON'T RACE.


  17. It does not matter how far ahead the others may look, you push and push.

    It only takes something silly to stop a car and if it is as hard as they say it is, then that could be just round the next corner.

    This now the section of the event were build quality starts to show and when people start to have problems.

    Now is were quality overtakes muscle.

    I wish them Luck.


    @Hendrik: Fritz is a funny guy but i am suprised he is not using the other car as i am sure he only did a Diff in Croatia?

    Ok it was a mog diff, But...... :lol:

  18. You've gone soft in the head Big Boy :P

    Can not wait for all those chances to beat you again :lol: Really looking forward to this, just Gutted uncle Buck has poofed out :(

    Three peaks should be good, can you book the bridal penthouse for me and Coral so i have something to do when i get back early and your still playing in the woods :ph34r:

    Just gutted i'm not at Manby then it would have been a right laugh.


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