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Everything posted by jerboa

  1. That would have been an eagle VCP...! I'm hearing you though.. got held up for real in Egypt (don't go there) on a trip last year to the Gilf Kebir. 16 armed to teeth Sudanese bandits turned up (in Egypt) from middle of nowhere and took our cars off us, mine being a rather nicely kitted 300TDi Disco... scariest 30mins of my life, even after two Op tours with Army..! Here's the link: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/saha...warning-32826-2 we caused quite a stir out there when this kicked off! Look at the pic If I managed to upload it, mines the right of middle pair!!!
  2. I have an Issue with the LPG system on my '86 EFi RRC, The LPG system runs very rich, were talking 7mpg round town and 11-12 on a run (60mph cruise before you think I'm caning it!! ) and it stinks of not well burnt gas. (IGN system is recently serviced etc) I have recently purchased the vehicle and I dont think the LPG system has been serviced for a while, Its an IMPCO Model E vapouriser what i think is an IMPCO 225 Carb type thing. After looking everywhere I eventually found a rebuild kit for the Vapouriser. It comes with instructions on how to rebuild it but not how to set it up - it is totally different to the Italian type of systems and a different kettle of fish when it comes to setting it up, hence expertise or just advise is proving troublesome to locate. This is why I'm resorting to Forum, I dont want to pester you lot, but Im wondering If anyone is familiar with this set-up or indeed has any kind of paperwork or instructions relating to this LPG system and can guide me through getting this bugbear sorted, I'm otherwise at sea with this one! Thanks Guys, Alec. P.S I think I've managed to include picture of engine bay with system in, not the big doughnut thing located on air intake, that's what's peculiar to this set-up!
  3. Ive had a good look round my crank pulley, and cant find any timing marks at all.. just a slot/groove about 5mm wide... how do i find TDC? how to accuratley time it? I need to know as Ive fitted an RPI dual timing amp+coil after a break down and the sodding thing wont start/run at all. it coughs occasionally but thats it..? arrgghhh!!
  4. So am I, think its just a case of bad timing!!! New alternator on the way, hope it doesnt happen again...
  5. Well, I got a new dizzy out of paddocks, but you get the later 35DLM8 these days, (side mounted amp) so you have to modify the wiring - only slightly - and it worked, car runs much better though haven't had chance to properly see to the timing as my engine has no marks/pointer whatsoever, yes, im looking in the right place...! Problem though, It didn't stop me breaking down on the way home from my mates house last night, the alternator light came on and about 20mins later "burrrrrrrr" as the engine just died! Not sure whether its because i monged it when rewiring (I only disconnected +ve feed to original amp), or whether its just a case of bad timing - suggestions!! post mortem on the way, cheers..
  6. I'm have issues with my distributor... http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopi...mp;#entry239438 Ordered a new distributor from paddocks, recieved 35DLM8, standard is 35DM8, new one came with a conversion lead... STC1212! I'm wondering if they got it wrong somehow, not realising that the one fitted to mine could be last of early version, rather than early model of the late version??? Is anyone familiar with the installation/modification of such a system on an '86 or thereabouts 3.5efi rangie? Alternativley, does anyone have a known-to-be-good 35DM8 dizzy for sale that i can stick straight in? (so it can be kept as standard as possible... thanks in advance, Alec...
  7. Guys... Thanks for that, Just scoured the link there's some good info. I'll have a look/see with my dizzy tomorrow.. friend of mine is coming along with a few replacement parts (ECU, flapper, and Dizzy) for me to try out, though my problems seem to be with dizzy so that'll be first to go on... I'll let you know how i get on, might only be beginning of issues...!
  8. Im not that familiar with slightly more modern V8's, my previous RRC was a 1978 model. It has a misfire, that manifests itself when you rev the engine at a stand still and does not pull that smoothly - under load you feel it misfire... Does it on both LPG and petrol. Went to replace plugs, leads, cap and rotor however, I noticed that the distributor seems to have a lot of rotationl play - as in you can turn it a good 45 degrees - but it doesn't return! you can move it one way and leave it, then move it the other way and leave it??? Is that normal? I think at this stage that this may have some thing to do with the centrifugal/mechanical advance perhaps being bust.. unless that movement is normal.. The enigne starts up and seems to idle ok though noticably slower on LPG... It would fit in with the lack of power - two thirds throttle but only 20mph on an incline! Other than this it could be coil/amp pack? Any help would be much apprecieted, i need to go places at a respectable speed!
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