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Getting Comfortable
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  1. Hello, I've also got asoft dash that is rusting out form under me but I can weld after a fasion and i paid 3k for it 3yrs ago. I think the p38 looks uk but i was put of by all the stories
  2. Hello, I'm also starting the replacement rear floor and "Z" side bits. I have painted them in etch primer and the zine primer. I did think of weld through zink primer but the lads in the boddy shop at college were i work said use Etch primer, so i did. It will all start to happen this friday ! Thoughs rear wheel arch's are also avainable from Padocks ataround £32 plus vat & postage. I'v just had a lookon their web site and they seam to do a lot of boddy parts for RRC's
  3. Hello If you want to use a sealer on a gaskit there are only two things i would use 1; greace if you want to remove the cover and reuse the gaskit. 2; Wellseal aply a small amount to both sides of the gaskit and joint face wait untill it has dried a little and then asemble. I have used welseal in my job as a motorcycle enginer, you must make sure that the serfaces are clean! A lot of people have leaks because they done clean of old gaskits and sealer. I hope this helps
  4. Hello, I didn't think about that, i just when out and got the disco floors. I think as my soft dash is so rusty they will last the car out. I know my bulk head is on its way out. so as long as it lasts till that has gone I can live with it. I get lots of people saying what a nice car it is but they don't know how much rust there is underneth!
  5. Hello. I have got the "z" parts and have got two Disco boot floors and I'm goint to cut and shut them together to make one. I am going to weld the "Zs" into place and bolt the floor pan down. Rivit nuts sounds got what are they? I have asked at work (college boddy shop) and they have said the best thing to paint it with is etch primer weld through undercoat and then use stone chip as it is flexable. What do you all think? I've still got the sills, iner wings and all the other parts that go rusty to do yet. I am going to follow your rebuild with intrest as it looks like you are going to do all that i need to do. As for the sealer i was going to use plubmers mate which never sets, or glazing tape which is double sided foam. Both are water proof. Regards timothy
  6. Hello! Although i use old & new old stock tires i've not had any probs in the wet or snow, mind you i've got TC & ABS on my soft dash.
  7. Hello I have just tried to post you some photos but the site says it was too short ? I havent a clue what that meens so if you give me an email i'll send you them that way. timothyrendall@ymail.com Regards JS
  8. Hello! I know that the date codes on mine are quite old but i like the Michelin XMS244's, so much so I look out for new old stock on ebay and buy them up. The last one i got also came with a brand new alloy rim !! I only do the odd green lane just for fun when its dry so i don't need chunky tires. If i were you i would just keep them on till they are worn out!
  9. Hello I'm new to all this foram stuf so this may be a bit late¬! I haven't thought about it realy so i'll have to get them out and have a good look at them and get back to you. How do you know that you've got a reply to your posts? I do have a account on Mopedarmy and they always give me a email.
  10. Hello! I have some , but as stated they do rot out! The guards are made of alloy and the brackets are made of steel all held together with stainless bolts. The water has got behind the steel brackets and rusted it away. They are only for looks as they are fixed behind the rear lights, I was going to do them up and fit them back on. It was only after i took them of and found how usless they were that I decided to leave them off.
  11. Hello To you all on this thread. I am a new member and also have a RRC soft dash tdi 300 1994/5. I'm not new to welding but I am to Renge rovers. I got it three yrs ago & thought that it wasn't bad untill MoT time what a shock! I saw an article in LRM a few months ago and it was about 'E-coating' It said that prices start at £149 and go upwards from there. They put the parts in a acid dip that removes all the old paint rust etc and then they wash it and 'E-dip' it the results look realy good. I have spoken to the chap at YRM and used his parts and found him very helpfull & the parts fitted with uot any probs. It's a pitty he doesn't do front floors for RRC's. As a part time teacher I'm planing to do the inner wings one at a time over the summer hol's. So I am very intrested in how you get on.
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