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  1. I think i must try to connect it, i don't think anything be damaged. What you say???
  2. Hi, i don't know anything of the specs of the 14cux transduser.. sorry, but it looks like this one. https://www.google.com/search?q=AMR3386&rls=com.microsoft:el:%7Breferrer:source%3F%7D&rlz=1I7SKPB_el&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=3KxfUs3zH4vGtAae7ICACw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=671#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=OYCD6W9f3PUIwM%3A%3Bgp3OZwXIp5zvrM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bputah.com%252FParts%252FLand_Range_Rover_Discovery_Defender_Speed_Sensor_AMR3386.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bputah.com%252FParts%252FLand_Range_Rover_Discovery_Defender_Vehicle_Speed_Sensor.html%3B504%3B448
  3. Hi, Iam interesting to do the same modification, has anybody connect the td5 speedo with Lukas speed transduser? Thank's
  4. 2013-08-07_02.39.01.msq i can't send msl files i don't know why...
  5. I change the setting to the speed desity and the engine is running very well, is not running rich any more. I try the live tuning, ithink it works. I still have the problem with the fire up on cranking, is very hard to fire up... Until i was driving the car was died i think without any reason and then was not firing up. After of a while it was fired up and run without any problem. I send datalogs and msq please your opinions
  6. By the way.. One of my biggest problem is the firing up, of the engine. When i try to fire up it takes two or three minutes with result the battery will be always dead.... Until the engine as finally tuned i have to turn on and off the car several times and this symptom is very tiring for me and for the engine too. What i have to check to resolve this problem? thank's
  7. Hi i don't know how to build a target AFR map. To be honest i don't know what target AFR means exactly!
  8. Hi my lambda is a techedge linear with it's own cotroller. the sensor that use is bosch. here is the link http://wbo2.com/2c0/default.htm Thank's Chris
  9. The lambda is completle new. the engine was runing well with 14cux. the required fuel what value it sould be? 16.8 value seems corect to you? for a standar 3.9 rover v8 thank's
  10. Hi to all. I had a little progress yestarday. the stepper is working now. I adjust the idle as the best i was can, now the motor is idling good enough and is drivable I drive it out for the first tunning... I drive about an hour in the city and highway and try to correct with tunerstudio live tunning, after tunning i think was a little better, but the car is still running very very rich. When i accelarate and looking back from the miror a can see black smoke. Now i think it must tune the engine as much good i can and after finished the adjustments for startup and idle. Because, i can't understand the tables, please if somebody is pleased, i really need some help I post my last MSQ and please if you have any adjustents to advice me please do... thank's chris lasttuning.msq
  11. Hi, my stepper motor was working before for sure, also i have two of them and i have tried the both, the only effect i can tell is when i connect for the first time is working for i time and after of that stops. The wiring is checked wire by wire by the diagram sended of the supplier and seems to be fine. I try the stepper with the "idle valve test" function of tunerstudio but nothing really happends.. thank's
  12. Now lets give you a view of the car.... I use a MSII controller with version 3.2.1 a 36-1 trigger wheel two coils on plug my old stepper motor a new wideband lambda with its controller I have buy the full version of tunerstudio I have complete all thew wirings and fit everything in the car. I did the basic settings(i think all of them) Adjust the timming with a timming light The car is fired up!!! It works!!! But it has some issues... now i really want your help 1) My supplier advice me to use resistive spark plugs i use NGK BPR6ES and i have a set of BOSH PLATINUM PLUS code WR9DP is that good enough? 2) The stepper motor is not running, the wires is right i checked. At the settings i have chosen "stepper moving" at idle settings 3) the motor is idling very high around 1400rpm's (i don't know how to get it lower) 4) the car is running very rich but i don't have deal with tunning yet... 5) the car is cranking for a while seconds until it fires up (maybe 10) Thank's Chris
  13. Hi, iam back again! I have forgot to introduce myself, my name is Chris and iam from Greece. I am reading the forum every day but i don't posting because my knowlege at megasquirt not exists.... Now, i have done a step forward with megasquirt, i decide and bought a MS II controller from an online shop in UK. (I don't say the name of the shop because i don't know if i can) The shop were i bought the MS kit must have a kind of partnership with Nige because all the brackets is writing mesquirt V8!!!! (by the way very good quality) The owner of the shop is helping me very much and thank's him so much. But also i want your knowledge and your advices too, at this forum the experience at MS systems is great. I will appreciate any kind of help in my issues Thank's Chris
  14. I think the stepper motor has a range from 0-255 steps
  15. I have not decided yet which version of ms i must use.I am still studying Your engine is a 3.9 V8? With the standar stepper motor your idle is stable? Ms2 is frendly to the user as the ms1?
  16. then, if you don't want to transform your LAND ROVER to a "sub-boat" you don't really need this part.
  17. Thank's for your answers. forgive me for my questions but really i don't know nothing about MS exept of what i have read in that site!!! So i want to know as better i can for MS and be sure for my choices. How many inputs and outputs has a MS1? Can i upgrade a MS1 to MS2? I think at some versions it can be. I was looking at Nigel's site and i was seen this. This is to make the engine "waterproof" or this kit is doing something i can imagine??
  18. Hi guys, thank's for your replays. Let me inform you for my plans. I really love my Defender and it is my EVERY day car! So i want to give it an upgrade at the EFI system and wining better economy and better performance, it's ok i know Defender can't be a sport car, but i am sure it can run much better!!! I want from MS to do what the Lukas EFI is doing and something more.... Stable operation Drive electric fans Drive A/C? Drive heated windscreen Drive auto gear box Drive supercharger (maybe in the future!!!) Has in the memory 3 maps one for every day economy drive, one for playing and sport drive, as it can be..., and one standard default map. Frendly for the user and can change the map really easy! About the installation i don't think what i will have any problem with the wirings and the hardware, the software....... it's a problem! But i think with your help and your patience every problem can solved At least i will try to keep the car in running condition for all the time of the installation.
  19. Hi, you are right,... i was meant megasquirt as the title says! i wrote megajolt by mistake. ok which ms are you Suggest to me? MS2 or MS3?
  20. Hi to all! I am new here and this is my first post, i am from Greece and i have a Defender 3.9 with Lukas EFI. My Defender is running perfect but i want some more fuell economy, smoothly run and maybe more power of the V8. I think the Megajolt is the solution, but i want your opinion because you have try it, and test it hard so all of you know better then me!!! Please give me your advice whatever it is, good or bad i will apprecciate it! Regards
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