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Importing a non-registered defender


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You are relocating back to the UK having worked abroad for many years. I know you are allowed to transfer your own possessions without a problem unless they are banned goods such as firearms or drugs. Essentially, and in the first instance the car is personal goods so you should be able to bring it is you then have the problem of registering it so as it is a Bitsa I would get another D90 and rebuild that with your bits keeps it more simple. My wife imigated to the UK in March last year she had to fill in a VAT relaim form and that was it. We had some difficulties becasue she was coming from Moscow and there are a lot of problems created because of the War but I don't think you will have half of the issues.

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Thanks Simon, but I should be OK. The vehicle was registered with its original VIN. The engine has been changed, which is not reflected in the new registration, but I’ll agree that before shipping the car back to the UK. I’m hoping it will then “sail” through the import and registration process!  Hoping being the operative word!

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