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Gordan's tax increase!!!


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Oh well, I'm going going to have to cough up £300 for the new truck in May then, and more next year - buggers.

Still the toy remains at £0 so I should consider myself lucky and pay homage to Gordon.

At least the £400 per year means that the additional £5 for diesel on band G seems negligible.

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It seems as though recreational offroaders have got off quite lightly, this time! Who uses new new 4x4's for greenlaning or comps anyway ? But I get the feeling it matters not what country you live in or how many MPG your vehicle delivers, as a species, non professional four wheel drivers days are numbered. People who believe the earths oil reserves are running out and that burning of fossil fuels contribute to climate change anyway, see motorised recreation as a totally unecessary waste of scarce resources, the emissions of which will cause the earths environment to be rendered untenable. For better or worse, right or wrong these groups currently have the ear of governments and the mass media who won't rest until all bush trails/country lanes are gated and off limits to all motorised traffic excluding emergency services and all privately owned 4x4's sent to the crushers

As a lobby group 4WD enthusiasts are a largely ineffectual bunch with little combined financial or political clout to put across our point of view, so we will continue to be singled out as social outcasts until we no longer exist. With that victory I suppose they will then turn their attention to other forms of ''wasteful unnecessary'' motorised recreation such as car and motor bike racing. Just imagine the millions of gallons of oil shutting that industry down will preserve. Don't mention the thousands added to the unemployment lines though, particularly Britain, the international home of motor sport engineering and construction.

I don't really know what the future holds but I am seriously looking at purchasing 3 mountain bikes for the family so that we can continue to enjoy our country once they have banned the Landy.


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