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noise wheen steering


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Viscous coupling........

Only true way out of difflock is prop off, prop on I guess... :)

Probably only my list of things to do tonight now....

on a disco? you running rangie bits in there then?

my difflock wasnt locked in, it had disengaged - there was no tyre srcubbing and no residual torque in the wheel when jacking it up. it was something else in the T box that didn't come all the way back over -? that i am hoping caused the noise, as if it was that its now fixed!

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for some reason i had Bowie as Stu in my mind not Peter! sorry yes of course Rangie.

i understand the confusion then

its a road speed orientated noise is it?

no muck in the handbrake drum?

Yep, road speed relative, drumming, coming from the front (left.. I think), and through the steering wheel a bit, only really shows itself when accelerating, and gets worse when turning right, but not left... oh, and only between 25mph and... 50mph ish.... over 50 and it's quiet.

Will add handbrake to list to check, but probably low-ish on priority.... as I am 90% sure it's a nose from the front axle.

Thanks for the suggestions though :)

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i thought mine was front left and if it was the T box that shows that to be wrong.

i was going to suggest try jacking up the front wheel and running them to see if you can isolate the noise but then the viscous will lock up!! so not good.

try borrowing a friendly garages ramp so all 4 wheels can be off the ground and run it, see if it does it.

Do you get steering wooble as well or just the drumming?

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Well hopefully driving it with prop off for a while will give an indicator as to whether it is transfer box or not...

I get a BIT of steering wobble, but it is almost like that is secondary to the actual noise...

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  • 1 month later...

Its back!!!

Came back yesterday on the road, not been evident for the last 1k miles or so. exactly the same symptons as ^^^^

seems to come from the middle. have been in and out of difflock doesnt seem to do much this time! will try and find time today to have a proper play with hi/low and diff lock.

bar that thinking of jases point.

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Whoops, forgot to update this!

I drove mine with the front prop off for a while, after refitting the noise stopped!

Don't know how relevent that will be to you though of course, as mines a viscous centre diff, where as yours isn't.....

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  • 1 month later...

noise started again yesterday when in Eastnor, still coming from the middle of the vehicle. Diff lock hasnt been used for a while, again only evident when turning.

couldn't get it to stop making the noise, in the past moving the lever in and out of diff lock had stopped it.

Drove home (120miles ish down the M5) whilst over pulling back into lane 1, slight loss of power then a bang from the rear, power back car ran ok.

Came off at the jct loud noise from the back, had a look nothing evident other than noise from r/n/s wheel

I expect the rear Half shaft has gone, due to the centre diff being locked, but not being aware of it, assuming thats the case (will strip it out tomorrow) i need to check the centre diff.

I will remove the shaft and take it for a drive with the diff lock lever out - obviosuly if she drives then shes stuck in diff lock so will take it from there starting with the linkages.

Question is assuming its just the linkages and they have worn - which ones should be checked as the likely culprits? How can i tell if the little lever on top of the t box used to engage diff lock is going through its full range of movement - other than trying to spin wheels etc?

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right well pulled the rear shafts and not that!

Difflock works as it should so not that.

linkage for difflock was loose though and disengaging it, although the difflock still disengaged the lever (on top of T box) could move further across so i adjusted the linkage to get it to go fully over to the disengaged position on top of the box. Rechecked diff lock lever worked as it should and all correct.

Test drive and no more noises when turning.

Leads me to try and work out what the bang followed by scrapping noise was.

Rear N/s bearing had some play in it noticed when i removed the shaft so pulled that expecting to find the bearing stuck to the stub, but it all came off, bearings were not in a happy condition - pictures to follow, so replaced them.

All back together and no noise from T box, either diff or shafts etc, all wheels turn as expected when both driven or wheels turned by hand.

So i am at a loss as to what caused the noise.

I am hoping the adjustment on the linkage will cure the chaffing noise when turning as its now fully disengaged, but time will tell.

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